Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Identifying EEPROM Chips?

Hello everyone,

Im just wanting some information on EEPROM chips, im wanting to read the data on EEPROM chips of various sizes and pins, just wanting to know firstly how you identify a EEPROM chip from all the others on a PCB? Is there anything that EEPROMs have that the rest of the chips dont?

Thanks for your help

Thanks, do they all differ between chips or is there some sort of sequence the EEPROM chips read in? eg three letters followed by 5 numbers, or do I need to google each chip on the board? Cheers :)


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Start by googling them. After a while you'll start to recognise the common part numbers :)

Part of the trick is knowing which is the part number in some cases.

If you have any problems identifying anything, ask.

Sometimes the chips may have the part numbers removed, or they may use "house" part numbers. This can make identification a lot harder.