Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Identify a parts to replace

I'm looking at a whirlpool oven control board: invensys appliance controls 9-630-3

The part that I see burned looks like a capacitor or a thermal resistor.... I'm going with thermal resistor..... before I order, thought I check in with you guys on what size it might be etc... I can't find the schematic for this board... will be replacing the 1 watt 10 resistor too.

I need help identifying the burned parts
what would F9 150L20 0541 mean?
here is a pic:


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Harald Kapp

This is certainly a varistor as can be seen from the print on the PCB where it says MOV1.
It should be from this series.
The datasheet should give you enough information about this particular type so you can find a replacement.
Ok thanks... I'm not familiar with varistors....
this what I got so far... 150 stands for 150V :)

thinking i might order a V150LA20A


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
I think that would be a good first try :)

Be aware that unless the fuse is blown, a MOV failure will not (by itself) stop your equipment from working. If the device isn't working, you will almost certainly have another fault.
I think that would be a good first try :)

Be aware that unless the fuse is blown, a MOV failure will not (by itself) stop your equipment from working. If the device isn't working, you will almost certainly have another fault.

Thanks for the heads up...
Yeah bought a few extra's just in-case... I'll probably be back asking more about the circuit board if i can't trouble-shoot the other parts or if I have more problems... hope to get it working soon, or I'll be suffering at the dinner table. :O
Thanks for the help guys! I replaced the varistor with a V150LA20A and changed out the 1w 10ohm resistor... The board now works!