Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Ideas for a circuit to make a connection 3 times

Ideas for a circuit to make a connection 3 times


Hi, sorry this is very basic at the moment, I have done electronic stuff in the past, but not for a while. At these stage I am just look for ideas and suggestions.

I have this torch which is going to be mounted inside an old underwater case. This case as a toggle switch on it. I need something, when the Toggle switch is turned on, will simulate 3 pushes of the torch power button.

The torch's power button is a push button. it needs 3 pushes as it goes via low/med/high modes, i only want the torch on high mode.

So I was thinking to remove the push button and solder two wires in it place, and then I was thinking I need a circuit that when it receives power from the toggle switch, will make a connection between the two wires 3 times. (Possibly through a relay)

Any suggestions or tips on how this could be done would be very helpful. If my thinking sounds possible any suggestion on what i should look into to make such a circuit would be great.

Many thanks.
If you just need it to switch between off and on [high] why not simplify things by replacing the existing button with one toggle that goes ONLY to the high-setting circuit in the torch. Or is the case built in such a way that you can't modify the existing button?


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
The driver in these chips senses the power going on and off and uses this to increment a counter which is stored in non-volatile memory. This value is used to determine what mode the driver is in the next time it powers up.

The simplest solution is a different driver that doesn't have the unnecessary smarts.

It may also be possible to figure out what the driver is doing (it may be applying PWM to a constant current source) and re-wire it so the PWM input is always forced to a particular state.

Whether or not you can do any of these depends on what the driver looks like and how much information can be gleaned about its operation.