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Maker Pro

IC trying to identify from ST

hi all,

I'm trying to identify a component on a small AC/DC power module. It's an 8 pin surface mount IC made by STMicoelectronic and it has two identification markings

1) ST E 9615 (the E doesn't look like a capitol E, it almost looks like a £ symbol?)

2) 33428 (the second digit 3 could be an 8)

If you have an help on where i can look or better still if you recognize this component would you let me know.
kind regards
Did you check the STMicroelectronics website?
Manufacturers usually have a page in their data search functions with a break-down of their chip identification methods/codes.
Hi there, thanks for your replies. It's quite exciting getting back into electronics from a gap of 15 years and with forums like these. Appreciate any feedback.
Attached should be the IC I'm trying to check. There is a resistor or something burnt out too but I thought if I can look to see what the chip is doing and I may be able to determine what the component is and its value.
Thanks for your help and I'll check out the ST website.
Kind regards


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thanks Dave, i think you are right. The component just above the chip is completely burnt out. I was hoping to determine what it could be and it's value based off the LM334 but i will need to do more studying :) attached is the component in question.
thanks again for your help


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ahhh that resistor .... wast really visible in your first pic

and that 3 pin chip at the top is also toast ... its got a huge hole in it where it's gone bang
That's right, Big Bang !! My plan is to replace what I think didn't make it after the bang then start with a very high resistor and work down until it works. The module is an AC to DC converter with 4 DC outputs. I'll try and map the circuit and post it on here. That'll keep me busy for a while.