Maker Pro
Maker Pro

ic cd4066, help!

Take a look at switchs S1-4 each one is 1/4 of the 4066. When you look at the drawing you can read the correct pinout for the ic.
To expand on Jim's answer, the boxes each represent a switch in the CD4066 IC. The drawing would make more sense to beginners if all of the switched were put into one box. However, what's shown is a fairly common way of doing things -- and the clue as to what's going on is the numbers by each lead on each box -- these are the corresponding pins on the IC. A slightly easier to understand drawing would have included a notation such as U1a, U1b, etc. by each box to indicate that they were all part of the same IC. However, the notation is given that S1 through S4 are all part of the same IC, so the drawing is adequate.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
And to expand further, all the "switches" in a 4066 are the same, so it doesn't matter which one you use in which place in the circuit (as long as you use matching in/out/control pins!). Oh, and in/out can be swapped too -- they're symmetrical.