Maker Pro
Maker Pro

IBM G50 monitor - focus



My son picked up an IBM G50 monitor the other day as fill-in while his normal
monitor was awaiting a HOT replacement.

Focus was off, so I went to split the case and had more than the usual trouble.
Then I spied a very neat hole in the side, lined up with the focus pot. Very
handy, but it made me wonder - is this hole a factory job or a serviceman's
after-market handywork?


That was a while since I repaired those.
Consider yourself lucky that hole exists. This monitor requires special
tools to open.

That's why I gave up trying to separate the case and peered in through the hole.
Perfect view of the pot shaft. That's why I wondered about the history of the

Franc Zabkar

That was a while since I repaired those.
Consider yourself lucky that hole exists. This monitor requires special
tools to open.


Tamper proof torx?

- Franc Zabkar


No. Clips that hold the cover are very deep and there are two narrow slots
to access them. So one needs a long, thin piece of metal with some sort of
hook on the end. Scredrivers do not fit.
And you have to undo both clips at same time.
