Maker Pro
Maker Pro

I would appreciate advice-need to add earphones jacket to a radio

Hello! i've just purchased a web radio (Auna IR-160) from Amazon. Nice radio, elegant, great sound and functions...but alas it doesn't have a headphone jack, only Line in and Line out jacks. I wonder if someone could give me some advice on how should i connect an earphone jack (of course modifying the radio and voiding guarantee). I could use a jack from an old pair of PC Speakers, but honestly I don't know where to connect it (maybe to the radio speaker?) and how to get the speaker sound muted when the earphone plug is inserted. i can solder and do small projects but my knowledge of electronics is very basic and limited. Thank you in advance!
Well, since no one replied I'll try and help.

The manual says the line out jacks can drive external speakers, but they would have to provide their own volume control. So I would think headphones with a built-in volume control should work. I also suspect that turning the radio volume control to minimum would silence the radio speaker, but have no effect on the line out signal which is probably locked at full volume.

It's probably not as simple as I described above as you may have to get an adapter for the output jack to the earphone jack. But maybe I've given you a starting point.

Maybe some others here can add more info.

Well, you need to know the pins of the jack you obtain and wire it properly


Tried to find a schematic and most of images show plugs instead of jacks...:(
2 and 4 should connect to internal audio amplifier outputs L, R. instead of to speakers
3 and 5 should connect to internal speakers , R+, L+
1 should be common ground.

And this is for standard stereo headphone, not for ones with microphones nor volume nor other features.
