Maker Pro
Maker Pro

I want to make my own led reaction timer, but i dont know how to make circuits, need help with them

I would love to make my own LED reaction timer. can you guys help me please?

Here is information on the first type of LED reaction timer:

I have chosen led reaction timer to have an 20X4 OLED display, button(action button), on and off switch, LED(white)
It will be battery powered, 3 AA batteries thats about 4.5V will power

I will tell you how the led reaction timer work so that you can make me( I really really really need 1 and 2 in order ti make the product otherwise I really can't

  1. the circuit for the led reaction timer, and please send me the image for the circuit because obviously I can't make the led reaction time without a clear image of the circuit, and I know how to build circuits I just can't design them
2. and also tell me all the components I need in order to make the reaction timer, I cant make the reaction timer without knowing what components to use, I don't know what components I have to use

3. also it would be nice if you could explain how the circuit works for the led reaction timer(optional but would be helpful, the more the experienced engineers the better)

I really need 1 and 2 in order to build led reaction timer

This is what the product does precisely:

When you turn the product on
the displayer displays
press button to start

when the button has been pressed the light is programmed to come on at a random time AND the displayer displays
press button when light is on
when the light comes on, and the user sees the light, he presses the button 0.260 seconds after the light came on, and the displayer then displays after pressing the button
0.260 seconds
press button to start

*If the button has not been pressed 2 seconds after the light came on then the displayer displays
too slow
press button to start*

when the user presses the button the light turns off AND the displayer displays
press button when light is on
and the product continues like this
so guys how do I make the circuit for this LED reaction timer i chose to make
and of course what are all the components i need for the led reaction timer

if you are a bit confused ask me questions until you have made the perfect circuit for me, and know what are al the components I need then send the circuit to me and the list of components to my email please

[email removed by moderator]

send it to me on my profile page but it might not work so please send it straight to my email first please thanks guys
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Sorry, but I won't be designing a circuit and providing a BOM for you. This is your project, you can do the work for it.

You have an OLED display, you will need a microcontroller.
Pick one that has lots of support, and that you can interface to the OLED display.
From there it's programming, and experimentation.

Get some momentary push buttons, an assorted pack of resistors, and a Microcontroller.


Sadly passed away in 2015
Yes, as Gryd3 said, people won't normally just design a circuit for you because you ask! We are just people like you. We are happy to try to help, but if you ask strangers to do your work for you, you should expect them to "tell you where to go"!

You'll need a microcontroller and some hardware to interface to the pushbutton, the LED, and the display. Atmel AVRs and Microchip PICs are commonly used for this kind of application. I hope you know how to Google!
Sorry, but I won't be designing a circuit and providing a BOM for you. This is your project, you can do the work for it.

You have an OLED display, you will need a microcontroller.
Pick one that has lots of support, and that you can interface to the OLED display.
From there it's programming, and experimentation.

Get some momentary push buttons, an assorted pack of resistors, and a Microcontroller.
I can't make circuits I don't know how to make them

the only way I can learnt to make circuits is if someone tells me,

if someone makes a circuit for me for an led reaction timer I will be able to learn from there, today is my opportunity to learn to make circuits, I actually can't make a circuit, I only know where electricity comes from I don't know how to use electricity for projects, circuit would be helpful and components


Sadly passed away in 2015
I can't make circuits I don't know how to make them
And does that justify you asking a bunch of strangers to do your work for you?

The least you could do is to ask nicely! And of course, tell us everything you know about what you want to do.

You will need to buy a microcontroller programmer device and learn microcontroller programming.

No one will want to help you if you don't take some initiative. Google some keywords. Get some ideas. Make an effort!

Show us that you're willing to work, and able to learn!

If you want your whole project designed and developed for you, go to!
anyone know how to make the circuit for the product, then send it to my email please because actually don't know how to make circuits otherwise I would have don't it, it doesn't take long. my email [email removed by moderator]

[Moderator's note: do not post your email address here. If people want to contact you they can start a private conversation. Generally we post advice in the forums only, because then other people may benefit. -- KrisBlueNZ]
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And does that justify you asking a bunch of strangers to do your work for you?

The least you could do is to ask nicely! And of course, tell us everything you know about what you want to do.

You will need to buy a microcontroller programmer device and learn microcontroller programming.

No one will want to help you if you don't take some initiative. Google some keywords. Get some ideas. Make an effort!

Show us that you're willing to work, and able to learn!

If you want your whole project designed and developed for you, go to!

Hello sir

You see it is actually ok to ask help from people, god has made it lawful to ask help from people, its just up to you to give help or not

also I have not been rude at all, I have been pleasant and not unnnice, I have been abit nice to show kindness to creations, after all I am asking for your help I should be kind, why shouldnt I be kind, and I think I was, I can prove it I said please in my post.

if you thought I was being not nice I am sorry for that
Hello sir

also I have not been rude at all, I have been pleasant and not unnnice, I have been abit nice to show kindness to creations, after all I am asking for your help I should be kind, why shouldnt I be kind, and I think I was, I can prove it I said please in my post.

if you thought I was being not nice I am sorry for that
Please keep the topic about electronics.
We will 'help' but I for one will not do your work for you.

I did not say you were being unkind, but you are asking people to do your work for you.
You need to learn the building blocks of electronics to be able to understand any circuit that may be provided to you for a reaction timer.

So, I would suggest to you that you google for some tutorials or lessons to learn electricity and some common components.
Come back with some proof that you have done research and learnt something on your own and we can begin to move forward.

Here is a lesson plan for you:
1 - Teach yourself "Ohm's Law"
2 - Teach yourself how to properly light an LED.
3 - Teach yourself how to use a momentary push button.
4 - Teach yourself how to trigger a transistor with the push button from Point 3. (Light up the LED from Point 2)
5 - Find a microcontroller you are willing to learn with. (Arduino has lots of support, AVR and PIC require additional hardware to get started)
6 - Make a couple of example programs on the microcontroller.
7 - Attempt to make the OLED display show something.
8 - Build the reaction timer!

You can ask questions about each of these points. Don't expect us to give you the answers. I wont, but I will help you to understand it if you come back after reading about the points above with questions.
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Please keep the topic about electronics.
We will 'help' but I for one will not do your work for you.

I did not say you were being unkind, but you are asking people to do your work for you.
You need to learn the building blocks of electronics to be able to understand any circuit that may be provided to you for a reaction timer.

So, I would suggest to you that you google for some tutorials or lessons to learn electricity and some common components.
Come back with some proof that you have done research and learnt something on your own and we can begin to move forward.

Here is a lesson plan for you:
1 - Teach yourself "Ohm's Law"
2 - Teach yourself how to properly light an LED.
3 - Teach yourself how to use a momentary push button.
4 - Teach yourself how to trigger a transistor with the push button from Point 3. (Light up the LED from Point 2)
5 - Find a microcontroller you are willing to learn with. (Arduino has lots of support, AVR and PIC require additional hardware to get started)
6 - Make a couple of example programs on the microcontroller.
7 - Attempt to make the OLED display show something.
8 - Build the reaction timer!

You can ask questions about each of these points. Don't expect us to give you the answers. I wont, but I will help you to understand it if you come back after reading about the points above with questions.

I did ask an electronic teacher for help and he did help me,
and I didn't even do research, so got good help

so this is what the teacher told me, he basically told me half of the circuit:
he told me that there are 12 connections from the display to the PIC
the LED is connected to the PIC
the button is connected to the PIC
and the on and off switch is basically just connected after the battery, the 2 wires of the battery need to be in ONE side of the on and off switch
so what I don't know is which connections connect to which pins of the PIC's
so where do I connect the wires to on the PIC, on which pins do they go is my question?
and is there any components that are missing in the circuit?
and finally can you help me to complete this circuit,
so I tried now by getting help from teacher and I have written the circuit diagram down, but I need to complete it and like I said you don't have to do things yourself you can get answers from teacher., can you please help me out guys please,
can you tell me if I am missing anything in the circuit, is there more components I need

if I do need more components then please tell me guys which components I need

thanks guys please help out:)

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If you "don't know how to make circuits" then all that info means absolutely nothing to you anyway. You gotta know the basics before anyone can help you out. Being there are a plenty of lessons and tutorials out there for those basics, they have helped you by advising you to do some Googling. I can say first hand that the folks here are extremely helpful when the person asking the questions is willing to learn and willing to do the work. They've helped me learn more in the last couple weeks, directly and indirectly, than I have learned about electronics in many years. Put in some efoort, learn how to make a circuit (Here's an idea, google "how to make a circuit"...Oh wait, that was already advised....hmmmm), and then go from there. The steps are laid before you. whether you take them or not is up to you, but I highly doubt anyone here will do your work, and most definitely not for free.

I did ask an electronic teacher for help and he did help me, but you don't so fix your selves please
and I didn't even do research, so got good help
and don't say im rude now because im telling you to be better humans, ok:)
so this is what the teacher told me, he basically told me half of the circuit:
he told me that there are 12 connections from the display to the PIC
the LED is connected to the PIC
the button is connected to the PIC
and the on and off switch is basically just connected after the battery, the 2 wires of the battery need to be in ONE side of the on and off switch
so what I don't know is which connections connect to which pins of the PIC's
so where do I connect the wires to on the PIC, on which pins do they go is my question?
and is there any components that are missing in the circuit?
and finally can you help me to complete this circuit, with the best help you can give
so I tried now by getting help from teacher and I have written the circuit diagram down, but I need to complete it and like I said you don't have to do things yourself you can get answers from teacher., can you please help me out guys please,
can you tell me if I am missing anything in the circuit, is there more components I need
if I do need more components then please tell me guys which components I need

thanks guys please help out:)

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

I think we have a different understanding of the word "help".
I will help and have no problem doing so, what I won't do is offer free labour to make circuit diagrams, firmware, and walkthroughs for every idea that shows up on the forum. It's too much work!
I was trying to encourage you to teach yourself instead of giving you all the answers.
In any case, you really need to know the basics to even understand how to work with anything that may be provided on here. The research list I provided above is incredibly short and will get you your answer quickly but will also teach you along the way! The skill from what I told you to learn will help you make future projects and help you troubleshoot your timer if anything is misbehaving or not working as expected.

Oh, and FYI. The info the teacher gave you is not 'half' the answer. It's the first step.
You still need to decide what pins you want to use. If you want to debounce the button in software or hardware, and if you will be using an on-board regulator or not.
Don't forget about the LEDs. You will need to determine if you want them to be driven with transistors to allow for more/brighter LEDs, or if a lower powered LED will be fine.

A Mechanic will not write out steps for you to do your own work, why would an we?

Take care. PM me when you have learned how to light an LED with a transistor and I can help you further. Till then, I am un-following this thread.
(PS. You can ASK questions about lighting an LED with a transistor. I'm not kicking you out the door, I'm encouraging you to move forward)
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Saqib, I couldn't say it any better than @Gryd3 and @lilmatt119. There's a big difference between helping you and doing all the work for you - it's not about "full answers", I think you perhaps underestimate the work involved. Even if we could provide a full circuit diagram, you'd need to program it, construct it, troubleshoot etc...

Please take the advice above as constructive, we're not "not helping" - but actually trying to give you some friendly advice.