Maker Pro
Maker Pro

I want to make a mini tesla coil

I want to make a mini tesla coil and i need help. I just need to get it up to around 3kV I dont want anything higher because i dont want to hurt me or anyone. I thought of using a 555 circuitry to convert DC to AC and perhaps use a transformer. I have 1 question. What will happen if i were to plug a charger transformer from the output to the outlet and the input would have 1kV? According to the ratio, it would get up to 1kV. Will that work? or will it blow up?


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
I don't think you understand what a Tesla coil is.

Don't even think about connecting up a transformer to step up the mains like that, It's stupidly dangerous.

Please try to survive your teenage years.
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If you are thinking about building one make sure you research, research, research before even thinking about a design!! I have finally got mine finished and it took me nearly two years of trial and error and fortunately no accidents.

May I ask why you want to build one?