Maker Pro
Maker Pro

I want to make a 3.5mm stereo socket hub

Hi there,
I want to make a 3.5mm stereo socket hub for my pc. because i need to work 3 stereo equipments ( 2 no. at the same time) with my pc. I am attaching the image of my idea. please correct if any errors found. Thanks in advance.
Vinod chandran.


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That would technically work, yes. Only thing I'd add is 6 very low-power diodes on the left and right connectors so that you don't have any wierd cross-modulation. You could also go the easier way and get or build a mixer.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
I'm not sure about that diode advice...

Is this supposed to split an output, or allow combining of an input?
I've just always found that electricity kinda goes wherever it wants permitting certain circumstances. It's a safety precaution for the sound.


I've just always found that electricity kinda goes wherever it wants permitting certain circumstances. It's a safety precaution for the sound.

I suspect what steve is hinting at is that using diodes is likely to cause much distortion to the signal.
This is definately something you Do NOT want :)

Hence keep diodes out of this audio circuit

Ah, right, didn't even think of that. Well, I did, kinda, by saying "low power", but I see the point. My apologies. My sig really says it all!