Maker Pro
Maker Pro

I need to make two devices compatible with each other

I've uploaded a file containing 2 devices and its respectives pins numbers/names. I have to somehow connect this two devices. Does someone have any idea of how should I rearrange the order, or maybe implement something in the middle of them? some hardware, or device?

Thanks in advance, John.


  • Pin Configuration.pdf
    117.9 KB · Views: 58


Hop - AC8NS
Methinks you is in over your head on this one, John. The Orbcom OG2 modem is designed for "OEM Systems Integrators" according this blurb on their website. Is that you? Are you a systems integrator coming to a hobby website looking for interface advice? Details on how to interface the Semtech device are available in its datasheet here. Have you read this datasheet and do you understand it? Maybe someone here will do your homework for you and provide a circuit connection diagram.
Methinks you is in over your head on this one, John. The Orbcom OG2 modem is designed for "OEM Systems Integrators" according this blurb on their website. Is that you? Are you a systems integrator coming to a hobby website looking for interface advice? Details on how to interface the Semtech device are available in its datasheet here. Have you read this datasheet and do you understand it? Maybe someone here will do your homework for you and provide a circuit connection diagram.
I used the OG2 modem in my device, but now im looking to replace it with the sx1276. I have read the datasheet yes, and I already had my thoughts on which connections I should make. I just needed a second opinion.


Hop - AC8NS
... I just needed a second opinion.
Good luck finding that here. Have you tried posting to a more specialized forum that discusses satellite remote sensing and communications? That's not anything I know about, but maybe someone here will chime in with suggestions. I assume you want an informed second opinion, not just an opinion. Plenty of the latter here if you wait around long enough...
You just want to connect them or replace one with the other? I'm confused.

I mean if you want them connected but not integrated with each other just hook them to the same power source.... then technically they're connected or set them up on a blind date with each other maybe they'll hit it off.

Got to say I'm in agreement with Hevans1944 maybe look for a more specialized forum otherwise you'll see just a lot of silly opinions like mine