Maker Pro
Maker Pro

I need some PIC programming help.


Glenn Ashmore

You may remember a few months back I was pestering everybody for help
with a remote lighting control systemfor my boat project. Well, I have
it working. (Kinda) It is now wireless running on 916 Mhz Linx modules
and is based on PIC 16F872s in the base and remote units.

The programming is where I have a problem. My poor old application
programmers brain has fogged over with all this bit level stuff. After
3 months of screwing around with it I have finally gotten it to turn
lights on and off but I still need to do the adressing and feedback
parts. Now I think that because of the way I structured the code I have
boxed myself into a dead end. I have gone back and restructured
everything in smaller psudo-code modules but the frustration level is
rising. I need to hand the programming off to someone who thinks like
these D*&#ed chips.

This is a one-off project so I can't invest a ton of money in it. How do
I find an eager young programmer willing to take on a two or three day
challenge and will work for peanuts?

Glenn Ashmore

I'm building a 45' cutter in strip/composite. Watch my progress (or lack
there of) at:
Shameless Commercial Division:


Glenn Ashmore said:
You may remember a few months back I was pestering everybody for help
with a remote lighting control systemfor my boat project. Well, I have
it working. (Kinda) It is now wireless running on 916 Mhz Linx modules
and is based on PIC 16F872s in the base and remote units.

The programming is where I have a problem. My poor old application
programmers brain has fogged over with all this bit level stuff. After
3 months of screwing around with it I have finally gotten it to turn
lights on and off but I still need to do the adressing and feedback
parts. Now I think that because of the way I structured the code I have
boxed myself into a dead end. I have gone back and restructured
everything in smaller psudo-code modules but the frustration level is
rising. I need to hand the programming off to someone who thinks like
these D*&#ed chips.

This is a one-off project so I can't invest a ton of money in it. How do
I find an eager young programmer willing to take on a two or three day
challenge and will work for peanuts?

Don't give up, describe the functions you need to us, and maybe
myself and some others can give you ideas as to how you should
approach it.

Failing that if you REALLY have to give up, email me and if it sounds
simple enough then I'll help.


[This followup was posted to and a copy was
sent to the cited author.]

You may remember a few months back I was pestering everybody for help
with a remote lighting control systemfor my boat project. Well, I have
it working. (Kinda) It is now wireless running on 916 Mhz Linx modules
and is based on PIC 16F872s in the base and remote units.

The programming is where I have a problem. My poor old application
programmers brain has fogged over with all this bit level stuff. After
3 months of screwing around with it I have finally gotten it to turn
lights on and off but I still need to do the adressing and feedback
parts. Now I think that because of the way I structured the code I have
boxed myself into a dead end. I have gone back and restructured
everything in smaller psudo-code modules but the frustration level is
rising. I need to hand the programming off to someone who thinks like
these D*&#ed chips.

This is a one-off project so I can't invest a ton of money in it. How do
I find an eager young programmer willing to take on a two or three day
challenge and will work for peanuts?
You can find tons of code at and modify it to meet
your needs.

Bob Stephens

You may remember a few months back I was pestering everybody for help
with a remote lighting control systemfor my boat project. Well, I have
it working. (Kinda) It is now wireless running on 916 Mhz Linx modules
and is based on PIC 16F872s in the base and remote units.

The programming is where I have a problem. My poor old application
programmers brain has fogged over with all this bit level stuff. After
3 months of screwing around with it I have finally gotten it to turn
lights on and off but I still need to do the adressing and feedback
parts. Now I think that because of the way I structured the code I have
boxed myself into a dead end. I have gone back and restructured
everything in smaller psudo-code modules but the frustration level is
rising. I need to hand the programming off to someone who thinks like
these D*&#ed chips.

This is a one-off project so I can't invest a ton of money in it. How do
I find an eager young programmer willing to take on a two or three day
challenge and will work for peanuts?

Try your local community college electronics or EE dept. Ask an instructor
to recommend a "bright spark" who likes to tinker.

This can be a win-win situation because the right kid will work his/her ass
off for cheap, and the student gains the pride of accomplishing a real
world engineering task.


The Real Andy

Email me at a.pearson a_t tpg d_o_t com d_o_t au . I am hard pressed for
time lately but I have heaps of libraries and stuff that makes this kind of
thing relatively painless.