Maker Pro
Maker Pro

I need some contact protector


B. Peg

I have a Garmin Zumo GPS that resides on a motorcycle outdoors.

There are gold-plated contacts on the bottom of the unit where it mates with
its mounting cradle. There may be 20 pins in close proximity to each other
along with a 4 pin power lead, a small mini-USB to goes to the XM Radio
antenna, and a couple of mini-stereo jacks.

Some of the contacts and plugs are turning green (rain? air?). I used a
fiberglass burnisher to clean them up but was wondering about using some
dielectric grease on them although it is messy.

Is there something better and not as messy as the grease?




B. Peg said:
I have a Garmin Zumo GPS that resides on a motorcycle outdoors.

There are gold-plated contacts on the bottom of the unit where it mates
with its mounting cradle. There may be 20 pins in close proximity to each
other along with a 4 pin power lead, a small mini-USB to goes to the XM
Radio antenna, and a couple of mini-stereo jacks.

Some of the contacts and plugs are turning green (rain? air?). I used a
fiberglass burnisher to clean them up but was wondering about using some
dielectric grease on them although it is messy.

Is there something better and not as messy as the grease?



You can use the grease commonly used in automotive tail light assemblies.
Available at any decent auto parts supplier, surprised your cycle
maintenance facility has not turned you on to it. Allows electrical
connections and seals the connector from moisture. BTW if the contacts are
turning green there is a lot of copper being exposed, apparently the "Gold
Plating" is not thick enough to actually produce a secure seal.