Maker Pro
Maker Pro

I Need Help With My 555 Monostable Circuit Please

I am using monostable circuit to switch off my motor after a specific period of time. But the motor doesn't stay on when i press the button switch! When i remove the motor and relay and replace it with a led, the led stays on for a while before switching off. Can it be the relay? Or is it the circuit that is wrong? PLEASE HELP!


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Do you have a schematic of what you are trying to wire on the breadboard?


This is the schematic diagram for the monostable circuit. This works for me, but when i try to put the relay and motor into this circuit, the motor wont stay on. Can i just connect the motor to pin 3 and let it run?
The 9V battery and the 555 timer have low output currents. The motor might use a high current that will burn them out.
The motor is not supposed to stay on, it turns off when the 555 timer tomes out.
The monostable is a timer. It turns on when It is triggered then it turns off when it times out.
If you want the motor to stay turned on after you momentarily push the button then remove C1.
I need my motor to switch off after a period of time. But for now, the motor won't even stay on for a few seconds before turning off.
The values of R1 and C1 set the timing but your schematic does not say what they are.
A 51k resistor with a 100μF capacitor produces about 5.6 seconds of timing.

You say that you want timing to be "a period of time" but you do not say how much time.

I think your weak little battery drops its voltage when trying to drive the motor then the 555 timer has a heart attack.
On the other forum he said the timing capacitor is 470μF. Then the 51k timing resistor will cause the 555 to timeout in about 26 seconds If the battery voltage has not dropped too low.