Maker Pro
Maker Pro

I need help to make sure the devices are good to go.

I moved to my granma’s house for a month and saw that TV is plugged in a single connector, now I decided to take an extension adapter with two Plugs, one for the TV and one for my PS4 Pro, on the extension cable or adapter whatever it says 10-15A 240V, is that enough for both of them? Just want to make sure. So it doesn’t kill my HDD or motherboard.


Hi and welcome to EP :)

on the extension cable or adapter whatever it says 10-15A 240V, is that enough for both of them? Just want to make sure. So it doesn’t kill my HDD or motherboard.

yes, all ok .... the TV may draw an amp at most at 240VAC and the PS4 maybe 0.25A at most on 240VAC

on the extension cable or adapter whatever it says 10-15A 240V, is that enough for both of them?
Those markings indicate the maximum amount of power that the adapter can carry.

As above, most modern LCD TV's take around 80-150W and the PS4 maybe 300W (max) so the total power consumption for the two would be around 500W total which is around 2A at 240V.
That was a guess based on the old xbox360 however I see that a modern games machine like the PS4 consume half that so around 120 watts. This makes the average for TV and games at around only 1 amp.... tiny!