Maker Pro
Maker Pro

I have a question about a dsc 1500 alarm system.

just recently noticed that zone 2 and 3 were lit up read the manual pressed *2 and the trouble light comes on steady with no code on the panel . I have checked all doors ,windows replaced battery and replaced the three fuses and they still stay on . Anybody got an idea what's wrong or how to fix it. Thanks for the help.
Thanks Martin, I have read and replaced everthing I can think of and I called DSC and they said I needed a new system was to old to trouble shoot . lols
just recently noticed that zone 2 and 3 were lit up read the manual pressed *2 and the trouble light comes on steady with no code on the panel . I have checked all doors ,windows replaced battery and replaced the three fuses and they still stay on . Anybody got an idea what's wrong or how to fix it. Thanks for the help.

When a zone light is lit, the Control Panel thinks something on that zone (door, window, whatever) is open. I'm going to assume that the keypad's "Ready" light is NOT on, even though you didn't mention it. If the "Ready" light _is_ on, this would be the time to mention it because that changes the symptoms significantly.
What, exactly, is on zones 2 and 3? If windows, what kind? Double-hung sash? Casement? Sliding sash? Other?

Statistically, the most common cause for a door or window to be faulted (showing open) is a misaligned or missing magnet that lets the magnetic switch (aka "contact") know whether the door/window is open (faulted) or closed ("normal"). Go to the door(s)/window(s) on Zones 2 and 3 and find the alarm system switches, and magnets if any. I can't tell you what they look like, because there's a variety of switch types used. If there are multiple openings on the faulted zones, not all the doors/windows necessarily have the same type switches. _Usually_ in the '90's, when your system was installed, the switches were recessed instead of surface-mounted, but you'll have to look at the openings on Zones 2 & 3 to see--assuming that 2 & 3 are burglary perimeter zones.

If you can't find or recognize the switches/magnets on the door/window frames/doors/sashes, then pictures of the openings (if applicable) would be helpful. Also helpful would be a picture of your Control Panel (NOT the keypad) so I can see what's connected to the screw terminals along the bottom of the PCB (Printed Circuit Board).

About your system being "too old": When a dealer says a system is "too old to troubleshoot", it's a euphemism for "My guys are too inexperienced to troubleshoot models they aren't familiar with." That's BS, pure and simple.
It's highly unlikely that anything is wrong with your 1500 Control Panel (CP). The problem is far and away more likely to be in the protective loops somewhere, i.e., the zone wires that start at the CP and run out to the individual protected openings and back. If you bought a new CP with all its new bells and whistles and toys, the problem would still be there until you fix whatever's going on in the protective loops for Zones 2 & 3.

Your problem may be as simple as a misaligned door/window magnet---assuming that doors /windows are what is on those zones. There are half a dozen other things that can be on protective zones, and there are lots of other things that can be wrong within the protective loops; but I'm waiting to hear back from you before I go any further in describing what else to look for. Describing ALL the possibilities and how to go about troubleshooting for each of them would require writing a book.

EDIT: Almost forgot: I'm guessing you looked in the User Manual before. I recommend you google and download a copy a copy of DSC 1500 Installation Manual, if you don't already have one. It's a lot more informative. You still may need to consult experts, because that manual is written for professionals who are familiar with the field, not DIYers; but it can be a handy reference manual.
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Ok after reading your responce now I was on the hunt. One window frame in the master bed room is missing a magnet there is a hole in the frame but nothing's there I went to the other window and felt I took it out and it's a magnet I guess . I keep trying to upload a pic of it but keep getting a error message. Its about the size of a ink pen and 1/2 inch long with a magnet on the end. Any idea when I can get one of there or is there something else I can use ?
I found some on amazon I think this will fix it will install when it comes in. If i still have trouble I will repost but i printed out your responce and gonna use it as work sheet. Thank You for the reply it's been helpful as all get out i.wont be calling dsc for help anymore I'll just come here. Once again Thank You. MMaster
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Hey Bertus I made a make shift contact and it works perfect ,the ready light is the only light on now. got a new sensor ordered but until now this I did print off everything on the dac 1500 I.could find and your rt it's not user friendly no no means. Again I really appreciate all the help wife was a 2 dollar repair if someone had of come checked the system would have been 200 or more and probably couldnt fix it just sold me a new system. I got 2 big yard dogs dont really need a alarm but it gives her peace of mind. Once again thank you for your help and expertise. Matt Master
Glad I was able to help, Matt. Thanks for letting us know the outcome. Feedback always helps.


The DSC 1500 installation manual can be downloaded from the DSC site here: - PC1500/1085
You will need to know if your DSC 1500 is version 4.0 or 4.1.


For some problems, you need to know the Version number of the Control Panel, but for faulted zone problems like this one, the troubleshooting protocol and fix is pretty much universal across all makes & models; and Versions. The only reason I wanted to see a picture of the CP screw terminals was that just in case we had to start troubleshooting a zone loop with multiple openings on it, I wanted to know if the EOLRs (End-Of-Line Resistors) were installed actually at the end of the loop (where manufacturers say to put them), or in the CP box (where sensible installers put them).
I.couldnt figure out how to delete all the dsc stuff but I.was wondering can i upgraded the computer board in the cabinet to a dsc 1864 with a wireless module could I receive alarm notices on my phone ? just change
the card keep my existing keypads smoke and glass sensors. If were not home wont or dont know.if the alarm went off. Thanks if you know. MMaster
Okay, a few things to understand:

One, the Alarm Industry jargon is different from computer/internet or mobile phone jargon. When we say "wireless" in the Alarm Industry, we're talking about local wireless, i.e., wireless sensor-cum-transmitters on doors and windows sending signals back to RF Receivers connected to the Control Panel, to let the CP know when said door/window is open or closed. "Wireless" in alarm-speak has nothing to do with communicating with a Central Monitoring Station, or with the User's mobile phone.

By the way, also in Alarm Jargon, when we say "Control Panel", we're talking about what you call the "computer board in the cabinet", not the keypad, which we call the Keypad. The keypad is just the interface between the User and the CP (Control Panel).

The modules you show above are all for local wireless zone expansion, i.e., adding more zones to your system without having to run new wires to new doors, windows, motion sensors, glassbreak sensors, etc. None of them are supported by your DSC 1500, which can only handle 6 hardwired zones.

Two, there are devices that can be added to newer Control Panels, like the DSC 1864, that give it the capability to send notification directly to your mobile phone, as well as let you use your phone to query and manage your CP. Google EnvisaLink 4 and check it out.

Three, hardwired zones are compatible with all professional-grade control panel models, old or new, although you will probably have to replace the End-of-Line Resistors (EOLRs) in the zone loops. Those vary with make & model, and will have to match the new CP.

Three, if you upgrade your 1500 Control Panel, you will need to replace your keypads. Unlike Ademco/Honeywell panels, DSC uses a wide variety of KPs that have to be matched with its wide variety of control panels, and almost every time they come out with a new improved CP, it's not compatible with earlier model keypads.

Alarm techs all have their pet brands, and lot of them favor DSC. I personally favor Ademco (now Honeywell) brand because every new upgrade in control panel they've come out with, in the last 25 years or so, has been back-compatible with older keypads and local RF Receivers: Ademco/Honeywell has the industry's best record for making their controls and peripherals back-and-cross compatible. If a client has any Ademco/Honeywell system that's no older than 25 years, no matter what model, then I know that a new Ademco/Honeywell Control Panel is compatible with the old KPs.

Ademco/Honeywell panels also support the EnvisaLink 4 module, and can be monitored and managed from your mobile phone, just like the newer DSC panels. If you're going to upgrade your system, I recommend you switch to Ademco/Honeywell--you'll have a better chance of not having to replace your keypads when you upgrade again 25 years from now.
Just my $0.02 worth. If you're Canadian and want to keep buying Canadian, by all means stick with the DSC brand.

EDIT: Btw, my screen name is ChosunOne, not bertus. That's another poster.
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That's exactly why I asked. I'm gonna go with your recoomendnation. It's time to upgrade will call and get a adecco system this was good 20yrs ago but really outdated. Thanks for your expertise advise. MMaster