Maker Pro
Maker Pro

I bought this at a flea market, not entirely sure what it is, help?

So I bought this at a flea market the other day, the way the guy was talking about it he made it seem like some kind of kit, like, with instructions, I figured a fun easy DIY project for over the weekend would be fun, so I bought it, he said it was a laser diode. I got home opened it, and quickly realized it had no instructions, only one part, looked to be fully assembled already and I have no clue how what to do with it, any info would be nice. I'll post a picture along with all documentation it had with it. I did some research and found only the documentation it came with.


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ah, you see I was reluctant to hook it up to a battery or something because I was afraid of it being something like that, so, my knowldege on hardware is limited, I'm usually more of a software person and just recently got into electronic tinkering, so what exactly does this do? My father took several electronics classes including on working exclusively with lasers, would it be something worth calling him up so he can help with proper safety regulations, or should I just let it sit somewhere?
Based on what KJ6EAD said, there really is nothing practical you can do with it. The laser is invisible and highly dangerous to your eyesight because of it. Throw it away, the temptation to just hook it up, at least for me, can overcome my sense of self preservation at times.

Hook it up lol... 30mw is maybe enough tingle your skin if focused.

I've been hit by 100mw lasers in the eye, sure it's not good for you and the dots are annoying but i lived, i'd hook it up and put a black bag in front of it and fire it up .. it's safer than building a 240v triac dimmer or capacitive fed power supply etc..
A further caveat -- Please don't take solace in the common description of devices operating at such wavelengths (i.e. >1000nm) as 'eye safe' -- said description means only that, inasmuch as the focal tissues are opaque at said wavelengths, the 'special' hazard attendant to focus of the beam upon the retina and/or 'nerve head' is not present. However the focal and other superficial and cis-superficial tissues are nonetheless subject to thermal injury!

IOW 'eye safe' LASERs are about as 'eye safe' as a pointed stick!:rolleyes:

Best regards and be safe!