Maker Pro
Maker Pro

I am pretty sure my answer is right!!

Good evening,

I am practising my ability to manipulate units and stuff, and I came across this question that doesn't sound that hard but I just can't get the right answer.

"The electricity meter on a plant initially reads 6032 kWh. If the plant now runs for 73 minutes at a steady power consumption of 320 kW determine a) Energy consumed in MJ b) The final reading of the meter"

Answers:. a) 1401.6 MJ; b) 6421.3 kWh

My working out is:

320 kWh/60min = 5.3 kW per min.
5.3 kW per min * 73 min = 386.9 kWh
so the final reading will be 6032 + 386.9 = 6419 kWh

now to convert 386.9 to MJ:

1kWh = 3.6 MJ

386.9/3.6 = 107.472 MJ;

I am close with a) but b)... no idea.

Please help.



now to convert 386.9 to MJ:

1kWh = 3.6 MJ

386.9/3.6 = 107.472 MJ;

I am close with a) but b)... no idea.

why did you divide by 3.6 ? it should be multiply

1kWh = 3.6 ...... ( 3.6MJ for each kWh)
2kWh = 7.2
10kWh = 36


386.9 x 3.6 = ..... ?

you now work that out :)

Very simple:
Do not round the results!

a) 320*(73/60)*3.6=1401.6
b) 320*(73/60)+6032 =6421.3
Thanks, I didn't think that it would make such a significant difference. Again thanks. Maybe you'd be able to help me with another question, about some copper wire coiled around a tube.

"Copper wire (density 8900) of cross-section 1.7mm^2 is coiled onto a long cylindrical former. The resulting coil has 820 turns, and diameter 0.13m. Find the mass of wire in KG."

What I did:

First I need to know the length of the catble - length of one turn is (pi)*Diameter of the cylinder. (pi)*0.13m = 0.408m;
Total length of the cable is: 0.408m * 820 turns = 334.9m;

then I need to calculate the volume of the cable in order to calculate its mass.

To find volume of the cylinder - I need diameter.

I know that area=(pi)*r^2 so 0.13=(pi)*r^2; (solve for r)
r=(square root)0.13/(pi) = 0.2m - so diameter is 0.4m;

Volume of the cylinder is: ((pi)*d^2*l)/4 = I got 42.08m^3, then to find mass I multiply my answer by the given density and I get: 374512kg and the actual answer is 5.0669 kg - what the hell?


I like Dorke's way, at least it gives the expected answer

his gives 389.333, where as yours gives 386.9 and of course that made the answer
wrong for you and me as I used your number :D
Thanks, I didn't think that it would make such a significant difference. Again thanks. Maybe you'd be able to help me with another question, about some copper wire coiled around a tube.

"Copper wire (density 8900) of cross-section 1.7mm^2 is coiled onto a long cylindrical former. The resulting coil has 820 turns, and diameter 0.13m. Find the mass of wire in KG."

What I did:

First I need to know the length of the catble - length of one turn is (pi)*Diameter of the cylinder. (pi)*0.13m = 0.408m;
Total length of the cable is: 0.408m * 820 turns = 334.9m;

then I need to calculate the volume of the cable in order to calculate its mass.

To find volume of the cylinder - I need diameter.

I know that area=(pi)*r^2 so 0.13=(pi)*r^2; (solve for r)
r=(square root)0.13/(pi) = 0.2m - so diameter is 0.4m;

Volume of the cylinder is: ((pi)*d^2*l)/4 = I got 42.08m^3, then to find mass I multiply my answer by the given density and I get: 374512kg and the actual answer is 5.0669 kg - what the hell?

I think they are talking about a coil raped around a cylinder.
That means the cylinder is hollow:
there is only copper wire on it's "outer- case" .

So you have a copper wire with a cross-section of
1.7mm^2 wrapped around the cylinder of diameter 0.13m

1.You did o.k with calculating the wire length,
to be more accurate you need to add the diameter of the wire to the diameter of the cylinder!)-again don't round numbers.
2.You need to convert the cross-section to meters and multiply by the length to find the wires volume in meters^3
3.Last multiply by the density (in meters^3) to get the result.cylinder.JPG

I think they are talking about a coil raped around a cylinder.
That means the cylinder is hollow:
there is only copper wire on it's "outer- case" .

So you have a copper wire with a cross-section of
1.7mm^2 wrapped around the cylinder of diameter 0.13m

1.You did o.k with calculating the wire length,
to be more accurate you need to add the diameter of the wire to the diameter of the cylinder!)-again don't round numbers.
2.You need to convert the cross-section to meters and multiply by the length to find the wires volume in meters^3
3.Last multiply by the density (in meters^3) to get the result.View attachment 23010
Thank you - I got it now.
One question though, I see that I get my answer in grams, why is that?
"I see that I get my answer in grams, why is that?
Please,show your calculation and we shall find out why.
Cable length = turns*circumference = 820 * ((pi)*0.13) = 334.89
Volume = (1.7*10^-3) * 334.89 = 0.56932 m^3

Volume*density = 0.56932 * 8900 = 5066.9
You both got it wrong...

The density of copper is indeed 8900Kg/m^3 not gr.
A 1x1x1 meter cube of copper weighs about 9tons not 9Kg...;)

The problem is in transferring the wire diameter from mm^2 to m^2
the factor should be 1x 10^-6 and not 1x10^-3...;)