Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Huntron tracker 2000 power transformer



Greetings to all,

Well, I dug out my old Huntron tracker 2000 that died a while back. I
took it apart and found that the mains fuse was blown, probably
checked it when it died, just started using my old trusty X-Y
homebuilt unit that attaches to my scope. I have some time now so I
replaced the fuse and it went out in a minute. The transformer felt
slightly warm, it is on its own plug, so, I unplugged it, found the
primary windings, must be set up to use on 220 VAC as well because the
primary has 2 windings, hooked it up with a 60 watt bulb in series.
When I plugged it in the lamp lit, about half brightness, not a good
sign as the transformer had no load on it. Then I noticed some arcing
inside the plastic transformer bobbin. Really not a good sign at
all... The transformer has 13 wires coming out of it. The Wht/Org
coil is the High Voltage output, probably for the CRT... probably
1000+ volts. There are a few other windings, one for logic supply, a
center tapped one and one that looks to be for the CRT filament and
another winding for what ever. The coil that toasted was the high
voltage winding, must of had some sort of insulation breakdown...
I've rewrapped transformers, so I pulled apart all the E's and I's off
the coil and removed the tape. The High Voltage coil is wrapped with
fine hair copper, diameter probably less than 40 gauge wire, started
unwrapping it, you know where this is going... Got to around 2000
turns and found that the heat fused the enamel together on the inner
windings. Does anybody out there know where I can get a hold of one
of these transformers?
If not, does anyone have the voltages for the outputs?
Here is the color code as I see it..
Slate Slate (Secondary Coil)
White White/Red White (Secondary Coil)
White/Green White/Green coil (may be for CRT filament)
White/Orange White/Orange (High Voltage Secondary Coil)
Yellow Red (Primary #1)
Brown Black (Primary #2)
Just had heart surgery and thought I would get back in the hobby.

Take care and Thanks in advance,




Didn't think that Huntron would still have parts, checked a couple
years ago and they didn't have the transformer. Well, I called them,
only 2 left, it is on its way.

Thanks and take care,


Ken Layton

Markus said:

Didn't think that Huntron would still have parts, checked a couple
years ago and they didn't have the transformer. Well, I called them,
only 2 left, it is on its way.

Thanks and take care,


I have a model 1005b and they still carried manuals for it so I figured
they'd probably have your transformer.

Ken Layton
Olympia, Wash.