Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Hunting light

So I need some help with a project that I'm doing I'm trying to make a hunting light that turns on when the sun goes down and off when the sun goes up so I figured I would need a photocell so I got a photocell and it doesn't seem to work it's the opposite of what I want it turns on when there is light and off at dark. Is there anything I can do to fix this. Any help is appreciated
It is possible to create a device that works that way.If i am right take a chargeable lamp for instant, when the chargeable lamp is switch on and then connected to the main supply for charging you will notice the light will automatically off due to the flow of current through it.Now, that current in your case represent the sun, the hunting light will be connected with a photo cell and automatically be switch on, when place in the sun and you findout that it automatically off then you are on the right track because that will show you it is charging, when the sun goes down it automatically on by it self. Try to use other battery cell if the photo cell doe not work...thats my idea guys
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I just have a led light with a red and black wire a battery pack that holds 4 double aa batteries and just a normal small photocell. Honestly guys I have no idea what I'm doing lol I'm new to all this kinda stuff
I just have a led light with a red and black wire a battery pack that holds 4 double aa batteries and just a normal small photocell. Honestly guys I have no idea what I'm doing lol I'm new to all this kinda stuff

your project a "hunting light" is possible like i said earlier all you need to do is to created a "DARK SENSOR". This makes use of LDR(Light dependences resistor) or you can call it a photoresistor(this is used rather than using a photocell),two transistor Q1 and Q2 both(BC547), 330ohms resistor(R1), 1kResistor(R2), 1K variable resistor(R3), a 6vdc battery and D1-LED.When the LDR is exposed to light its resistance becomes low and when in dark its resistance goes higher.When you expose the circuit to light the D1-LED(you can use as much D1-LED as you wish to increase its brightness)wont't on due to the low resistance of the LDR.when the circuit is covered with the hands(to obstruct light) or place in the dark, the circuit automatically switch on the D1-LEDS.SUMMARY-In the daylight, the D1-LEDS are off, in the night it automatically switch on.The R3 variable resistor is used to adjust the dark/light sensitivity of the circuit.