Maker Pro
Maker Pro

HSDI of the LLC TSB42AB4 from Texas Instruments


Tobias Möglich

Hello out there.

I try to implement communication via the HSDI of the LLC "TSB42AB4"
from Texas Instruments.

In a test environment it is possible for me to send data over the
firewire bus.
It actually reaches the PYH and also the LLC and is also found a data
The TSB42AB4 has 8 data buffers. 2 of them are assigned to the HSDI
I also managed to read out this sent data via the micro conztroller
interface (=MCIF).
But the LLC doesn't indicate, that data is available at the data port of
the HSDI.
I meassured th level of the AV (available) Pin auf the LLC. But it is
still LOW

Are there special configurations to be done to activate the HSDI ??

Greatings, Tobias Möglich