Maker Pro
Maker Pro

HP680 Chart Recorder



Does anyone know of a web site where I could access a copy of a
tech manual for this chart recorder, I've had a quick search but nothing
obvious comes up ? I've saved a couple of units from being trashed,
cleaned them up & got them working but they're a variant that uses an
electrical contact type of pen. I'd like to convert this to an ink pen
and have some ideas as to how I can do it but I'd also be interested in
knowing the HP arrangement.

Particularly interested in knowing where HP mounted the ink
reservoir, was it on the moving carriage that carried the pen or is it
on the fixed body of the recorder ? Maybe someone has had experience of
using this equipment and can describe the arrangement they saw when
refilling the ink reservoir. Or did HP use disposable ink cartridges ?


Particularly interested in knowing where HP mounted the ink
reservoir, was it on the moving carriage that carried the pen or is it
on the fixed body of the recorder ? Maybe someone has had experience of
using this equipment and can describe the arrangement they saw when
refilling the ink reservoir. Or did HP use disposable ink cartridges ?

FWIW, the HP plotters I used to see used short drafting pens with built-in
reservoirs. You might find those on eBay. The problem is the mass of the
pen, but if you aren't charting fast-changing data that may not be serious.
This eBay auction has a drawing of the pen I'm referring to:


Particularly interested in knowing where HP mounted the ink
reservoir, was it on the moving carriage that carried the pen or is it
on the fixed body of the recorder ? Maybe someone has had experience of
using this equipment and can describe the arrangement they saw when
refilling the ink reservoir. Or did HP use disposable ink cartridges ?

There were several variants of this chart recorder, 680,681,682,683. The
one I remember used Esterbrook pen cartridges, HP part numbers 1530-0095
(blue), 1530-0703 (red), 1530-0704 (green), 1530-0984 (purple), and
1530-0905 (black). The cartridge was mounted on the inside back wall of
cabinet, and attached to the pen stylus with a capillary tube about 8" long.
You might still be able to obtain the cartridges from an office supply store.
Manuals are available at

I particularly recall one incident where a technician was trying to clear
a clogged capillary tube. He disconnected the tube at the stylus end and
fitted a 10CC hypodermic syringe to the loose end. He then shoved the
plunger with great gusto and the next sound I heard was a loud "POP!!!".
The cartridge exploded, covering his face and shirt with red ink dots.

email address at the QRZ website.

Kevin Carney

I had lots of ink on me from those old recorders too !!!

change .combo to .com for correct email

"We ought always to know precisely why a given job
is done in a particular way, and why it is done at
all, and why it can't be done more efficiently,
if it must be done at all."-- T.J.Watson
