Maker Pro
Maker Pro

howto interface LED with TMS320F2812 ?? Newbie question


I'm working on TMS320F2812, a 32-bit DSP. I need to interface an a 8X1
LED with my Processor through the GPIO's of the processor. The GPIO's
are connected to the LED's through a 74HC273 D-Latch.

Can anyone give me pointers on how I must go about the same ?? I have
a couple of doubts :

1. My GPIO pins are wired to the D0 to D7 pins of the D-latch. The
Outputs Q0 to Q7 are wired to the 8X1 LCD Board.

My confusion is, how do i ensure connectivity of the GPIO's with pins
D0 - D7 through Software ( C- routine ) ???

Will appreciate if anyone can give me any pointers on how to go about
the same. Any sample codes will be of immense help tooo.



martin griffith

On 4 May 2007 05:04:06 -0700, in

I'm working on TMS320F2812, a 32-bit DSP. I need to interface an a 8X1
LED with my Processor through the GPIO's of the processor. The GPIO's
are connected to the LED's through a 74HC273 D-Latch.

Can anyone give me pointers on how I must go about the same ?? I have
a couple of doubts :

1. My GPIO pins are wired to the D0 to D7 pins of the D-latch. The
Outputs Q0 to Q7 are wired to the 8X1 LCD Board.
Do you mean LED board?
My confusion is, how do i ensure connectivity of the GPIO's with pins
D0 - D7 through Software ( C- routine ) ???

Will appreciate if anyone can give me any pointers on how to go about
the same. Any sample codes will be of immense help tooo.


1) you need an extra pin to load the latch, the CP pin
2) the MR pin should be set high
3) I dont know that dsp but generally
4) each led should be wired with a series resistor from the anode to
supply rail, say 470 ohm. The Cathode of the LED goes to the Q output

set GPIOs to output, probably data direction regs.
set the CP pin low
load data into GPIO, a 0 will turn a led on
set CP high
delay for a microsecond or so
set CP pin low, the LEDs should turn on



hello Martin

Sorry, yeah, i meant an LED Board
1) you need an extra pin to load the latch, the CP pin
2) the MR pin should be set high
3) I dont know that dsp but generally
4) each led should be wired with a series resistor from the anode to
supply rail, say 470 ohm. The Cathode of the LED goes to the Q output

set GPIOs to output, probably data direction regs.
set the CP pin low
load data into GPIO, a 0 will turn a led on
set CP high
delay for a microsecond or so
set CP pin low, the LEDs should turn on
My confusion is :

how do i ensure connectivity of the GPIO's with pins (D0 - D7) of the
latch through Software ( C- routine ) ???
i.e, Do i need to define a structure with the address of D0 - D7 so
that I actually realise the connection between them through
software ??

Hope my question is clear now. Any sample codes wud help in addition
to the explanations.

thanks again


martin griffith

hello Martin

Sorry, yeah, i meant an LED Board

My confusion is :

how do i ensure connectivity of the GPIO's with pins (D0 - D7) of the
latch through Software ( C- routine ) ???
i.e, Do i need to define a structure with the address of D0 - D7 so
that I actually realise the connection between them through
software ??

Hope my question is clear now. Any sample codes wud help in addition
to the explanations.

thanks again

sorry, cant help you, I only do 8051s and little stuff. try
comp.arch.embedded, or one of the dsp newsgroups
