Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Howdy do

Hey everybody!

Just popping my head up to say hello :)

I'm a bit of a n00b, although I did work in the electronics industry for a few years, but that was many years ago. Recently I bought a RPi and enjoyed doing some bare assembly for it, then acquired a little Arduino Uno, which has been fun making some little circuits with the kids. All in all it's made me realise it would be good to gain a better understanding of electronics. I came across a book by Steve Ciarcia (Build your own Z80...), and thought it would be a good way to learn not just electronics but also how computers work at the circuit level.

Looking forward to joining in.



Hop - AC8NS
Steve Ciarcia has a website you should visit. You might want to subscribe to his Circuit Cellar magazine if you can't find it for sale in Scotland. I grew up admiring Steve and his work and today I still occasionally purchase a copy of his magazine. Not much rocket science there, but it is user friendly to novices IIRC. Another great source for ideas and circuits is Nuts & Volts magazine. Visit their website.

Oh, and welcome to Electronics Point! Please visit often.
