Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Howdy all.

I have been playing with Electricity and gizmos and doodads since Electric Eels were invented. So what do I know?..Nothing!

I recently got turned on again and got into small simple cicuitry, building tiny pre-amps, flasher circuits (it all started with making a Hydrophone, which needed a pre-amp, which then needed a Submarine etc. etc..) and generally made myself familiar with the 555, 547 and 386 ic's, and a few transistors as well. I'm hooked again and want to further my knowledge (small scale) in simple circuitry.
I have "some" basics in Avionics (like the name of the Author of one of the books; Edward Current,) and also have extensive experience with the various Thermostats and light switches in the house, so I should be able to pick up the remainder of the sport no problem. :D

Anyway, I'll be lurking in the background (yup...the guy in the black suit with the sunglasses,) familiarizing myself with the forum rules and browsing the sections, before I stick my foot into it again. Cheers y'all...I'll be back. X
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¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Hi Mr X, welcome to electronics point and thanks for the entertaining introduction.
I recently got turned on again and got into small simple cicuitry, building tiny pre-amps, flasher circuits (it all started with making a Hydrophone, which needed a pre-amp, which then needed a Submarine etc. etc..)

Welcome to our forum friend !

All the above sound like shipboard electronics to me. Am i wrong ?
Welcome to our forum friend !

All the above sound like shipboard electronics to me. Am i wrong ?
Welcome to our forum friend !

All the above sound like shipboard electronics to me. Am i wrong ?
Hello, are absolutely right.
The Submarine dreamdream though...will probably never take place as I am aproaching the distant shore at a pace I can't change, so I fiddle and play with what I can. Sound ominous but I'm healthy as a Horse, just getting older. X.
I also work on shipboard electronics some times. I am definetly far from expert but i try.

(it all started with making a Hydrophone, which needed a pre-amp, which then needed a Submarine etc. etc..)

I understand that a hydrophone needs a preamp but the preamp needed a submarine ?
Or the hydrophone was needed on a sub ?
I know all subs have hudrophones and most surface ships also to communcate with subs.
I also work on shipboard electronics some times. I am definetly far from expert but i try.

I understand that a hydrophone needs a preamp but the preamp needed a submarine ?
Or the hydrophone was needed on a sub ?
I know all subs have hudrophones and most surface ships also to communcate with subs.
No, it was a badly constructed sentence and a joke. The Hyrophone was a first time experiment/project with Piezo discs and a pre-amp to make it work. My personal interest in home built Submarines was the initiative for the project.


Hop - AC8NS
No, it was a badly constructed sentence and a joke. The Hyrophone was a first time experiment/project with Piezo discs and a pre-amp to make it work. My personal interest in home built Submarines was the initiative for the project.
We have quite a few jokers that lurk here and chime in once in awhile. Welcome to Electronics Point wannabe submariner!