Maker Pro
Maker Pro

how tolerant is USB?



I have a 6 core cable, about 2m long, 4 of those cores are being used for USB, camera at one end and computer at the other

the problem is I get device not recognised errors, the camera works fine with a proper usb cable so it is likely just a problem with my cable

is USB not very accepting of custom cables?
wiring diagram needed
if it is hooked up right it should work as you are replacing the wires nothing more. if you are rewiring then it might cause a few issues.
also there might be a loss if the wire is not rated or thick enough, then the USB port might not be putting out enough amps to go that far......


the problem is I get device not recognised errors, the camera works fine with a proper usb cable so it is likely just a problem with my cable

you have probably made a wiring error

as suggested by donkey ...
wiring diagram needed

show us photo of your construction ... both ends of the cable, so we can see how you have connected to the USB plug and socket


it's wired up correctly as the alternate function of video out instead of usb data works fine, the wires are also a good amount thicker than normal usb cables but there is 0.5 ohm resistance in the wires from end to end including the connectors
solved, the cable was bad, I've re-wired it with a new cable and it works
You should go visit this if nothing more than to take care of some curiosity.
USB devices may be vulnerable to low power conditions, or signal degradation on longer cable runs.
Lower resistances in the lines are ideal for longer runs, and problems with the cable can prevent you from achieving the required speeds for the specific USB device in question.

Glad you got it working though :)


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
I did some tests today. I hooked up a device via USB and shouted insults about the USB standard to it. It proved to be very tolerant of that form of abuse.