Maker Pro
Maker Pro

How to use webrtc?

hey there everyone!!!...
My project requires visual feedback, for which my friend suggested me to use webrtc....
I tried using google but it didnt help much...

please help me with the same.

Thanks in advance....
What kind of project, and what kind of visual feedback?
I could mention OpenCV, but it's a blind recommendation.
I was making a robotic arm.
You could google for "robotic ARM edge"
This arm will controlled in two ways,
1. robotic arm controlled via joystick
2. robotic arm controlled via webpage like the one done by jeremy blum(you could google it)
I am using raspberry pi for the same and the coding in python
now i require a visual feedback and dont know how to stream webcam in Python using web server....
Could you help me with the same??
Thanks a lot Gryd3!!!.....
N thanks for replying so soon too.....:)
Not a problem. I've seen this thing done before. A commercial aspect of this is usually webcam control. I see no reason you can't do this with a little bit of code.
I don't have a webcam unfortunately, but I do have a RaspberryPi. If you run into a snag let us know and we'll see if something can be ironed out.
Have you ever interfaced ADC with you pi? Could you suggest one with a really low conversion time?
I was also thinking of controlling this arm via gloves n since pi doesn't have an inbuilt ADC, i'd have to interface one externally.