Maker Pro
Maker Pro

How to turn a digital signal into a analog voltage

I'm trying to figure our the best way to convert a PS/2 mouse signal
to voltages
mouse move up +5v
mouse move down 0v
mouse not move at all 2.5v

I know that PS/2 mice use PIC circuits, and use binary values between
0 to 255 for direction and speed.
I am trying to hook up an adapter to connect my PS/2 mouse to a game/
midi port.

any assistance would be greatly apreciated.


Jan Panteltje

I'm trying to figure our the best way to convert a PS/2 mouse signal
to voltages
mouse move up +5v
mouse move down 0v
mouse not move at all 2.5v

I know that PS/2 mice use PIC circuits,

and use binary values between
0 to 255 for direction and speed.
I am trying to hook up an adapter to connect my PS/2 mouse to a game/
midi port.

any assistance would be greatly apreciated.


Been a while since I did a mouse driver.....
It is a serial protocol, there are everal MS, Genius, others...
Once you decide on one or more of those protocols, it is software.
Old serial port mouse was just 1200Bd or so? async ,and needed an UART.

The PS2 protocol is like the keyboard, and uses data and clock.
You need some shift register to decode / encode that.