Maker Pro
Maker Pro

How to remove broken end of audio cable from CPU

(1) I have installed PixelView TV Tuning Card and disabled BtCap,WDM
Aduio Capture (Sound, video and game controllers)( TelSignal Co., Ltd.)
on location
PCI Slot 4 (PCI bus 1, device 3, function 1)
(2)While pulling computer under desk,My audio speaker cable has been
left over with a broken end inside CPU sound card,after that I lost to
listen many of Reuters/BBC media/Video clips,Windows Live Media file.I
can't take out either broken end or audio card as this is not like
removeable PCI card,it is soldered to board.
(Error on Page,see file)
(No Error ,can't listen)

Michael Kennedy

Uh.... yeah??

So out of that I gather you broke a 1/8" audio plug off in your onboard
sound card.. I suggest neadle nose plyers or perhaps pushing it out from the
other side with a small pin or neadle. You may have to break the outer
plastic ring of the phone jack to get it out. If you are unable to get it
out you could always install a pci sound card.

- Mike


Rather than taking a chance to do some damage, take the computer over to a
service centre, and have an experienced tech get the connector out for you.
Bring your speaker unit along, so that he can put on a new connector for



(1) I have installed PixelView TV Tuning Card and disabled BtCap,WDM
Aduio Capture (Sound, video and game controllers)( TelSignal Co., Ltd.)
on location
PCI Slot 4 (PCI bus 1, device 3, function 1)
(2)While pulling computer under desk,My audio speaker cable has been
left over with a broken end inside CPU sound card,after that I lost to
listen many of Reuters/BBC media/Video clips,Windows Live Media file.I
can't take out either broken end or audio card as this is not like
removeable PCI card,it is soldered to board.
(Error on Page,see file)
(No Error ,can't listen)


Another alternative is to disable the onboard sound chip from the BIOS,
and use a PCI Sound card instead.

After all, integrated sound chips on motherboards aren´t too great.