Maker Pro
Maker Pro

How to open Sony monitor?



Ok, so maybe this should be my first hint that I should leave it to someone
more experienced, but I can't figure out how to get the back off of my Sony
CPD-G520P monitor! There are two screws that attach it to the front panel,
which I removed, and I tried prying on the tab on either side of the front
of the case, but it won't budge. It feels like it's attached somewhere
toward the back of the monitor. There's a separate piece of plastic
covering the back that looks like it slides off toward the bottom of the
monitor, but I can't get it to move -- and I suspect there might be a couple
of screws hidden behind it.

Anyone been into one of these before?

And yes, I'm aware I shouldn't touch anything inside, I'm just hoping to be
able to tweak the focus a little bit.


Thanks Wayne, although my exact model isn't there, that one looks close
enough that I should be able to at least get it apart next time I have some


Thanks but mine doesn't have tabs on top; they're on the sides.

And I don't think my problem is the washed out with retrace lines issue,
because I have no retrace lines and I wouldn't call my picture washed out.
The problem is more of a varying focus/convergence issue. I recently
noticed that the areas of the screen that are out of focus have a slight
shaking to them, which makes me wonder if I have some bad caps or something
along those lines.

When I shut down my computer and the Windows screen gets covered in the sort
of cross-hatched darkened effect, I get a nasty flickering moire effect
which might be part of the same problem. I've seen that screen cause moire
effects before but never moving ones.