Maker Pro
Maker Pro

How To Open Panasonic DVD-RV31 Drive




Hopefully someone can help me. Recently, my Panasonic DVD-RV31
started dying. Some research on the web later, I discovered that my
drive motor was dying. A fairly easy solution called for opening the
DVD player and spinning the motor manually. I did that. Didn't
work. Another solution called for opening the drive itself and oiling
the gears/motor. I did that by taking out the drive assembly.
Unfortunately, I closed the drive tray (the part that slides out to
take the discs) BEFORE I put everything back where it belongs. (Blame
it on my fascination at watching the gears move as I slid the tray in
and out. *siiigh*) So ...

Now the tray has locked closed. I can't put the drive assembly back
because the metal chassis has to slip over the digital display but
with the tray in the locked position, I can't move the chassis out of
the way. Does anyone know how to open the tray back up without
breaking anything?

Please and thank you!