Maker Pro
Maker Pro

how to measure the short circuit collector current of IGBT

I have an assignment regarding datasheets. Can anyone help me explain the short circuit collector current parameter? and what is the importance of this parameter?...


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Not sure of your skill level, but read this.

It contains a lot of information, but the key is that it tells you what limits the short circuit current of an IGBT (essentially its gain). And thus this figure is the maximum current that could flow across the device.

Also note that there is a related parameter, "maximum short circuit time" which gives some indication about how long this current can flow before the device gets so hot it starts to fail.

There are many other related issues that the link above covers.
This parameter simply states that the transistor withstand being biased on (Vge = 15V) at 600V Vcc for a maximum of 10uS. This parameter is very important when using the transistor in a capacitive circuit.