Alright guys, I have one hell of a project I'd like to make a few stabs at, and I'd much appreciate it if any of you had any help you could give me in various parts.
As some of you know, I work on developing iPhone app, and am right now in the midst of publishing the first one. I'm also a firm believer in that the best way to learn something is to force myself out of the comfort zone ("dive in", if you will), and it's one thing to build simple calculator apps or manipulate strings, characters, primitives, etc.
It's another thing to actually handle with data.
Now as soon as my first is published, I don't want to sit around and get the feeling of being content. Learning programming is one of my favorite things to do (social life
), and I don't want to sit around idling with that knowledge.
Long story short, I want to implement an AVR/Arduino simulator into an iPhone app. Not a compiler/IDE, but something that would ideally allow someone to upload a sketch file/open one/write one and that would provide a visual set of references as to how it would accurately handle, effectively 'simulating' that code in the virtual environment of an iPhone.
Now, Objective-C isn't completely new to me, and I have a fair amount of knowledge as to how to handle in it. Problem is, I don't know how to implement 'syntax sensing', or, for lack of a better word, how to detect when something in the code is called.
For anyone with experience, obviously Obj-C is powerful enough and carries filestream functions that can open files and read, write to, and parse them, as well as provide line detection and delineation. A 'foolproof' way to do this would be to use if/statements and scan the entire file for all known keywords (i.e. int, string, for, etc.), but even in a 'beginner-friendly' language such as the Arduino adaptation of Wiring, that's a lot of possibilities.
Any ideas? I feel that if I could pull this off with finesse and make a good job out of it, it would not only help a lot of people on this forum constantly asking AVR questions, but a lot of others as well.
As some of you know, I work on developing iPhone app, and am right now in the midst of publishing the first one. I'm also a firm believer in that the best way to learn something is to force myself out of the comfort zone ("dive in", if you will), and it's one thing to build simple calculator apps or manipulate strings, characters, primitives, etc.
It's another thing to actually handle with data.
Now as soon as my first is published, I don't want to sit around and get the feeling of being content. Learning programming is one of my favorite things to do (social life
Long story short, I want to implement an AVR/Arduino simulator into an iPhone app. Not a compiler/IDE, but something that would ideally allow someone to upload a sketch file/open one/write one and that would provide a visual set of references as to how it would accurately handle, effectively 'simulating' that code in the virtual environment of an iPhone.
Now, Objective-C isn't completely new to me, and I have a fair amount of knowledge as to how to handle in it. Problem is, I don't know how to implement 'syntax sensing', or, for lack of a better word, how to detect when something in the code is called.
For anyone with experience, obviously Obj-C is powerful enough and carries filestream functions that can open files and read, write to, and parse them, as well as provide line detection and delineation. A 'foolproof' way to do this would be to use if/statements and scan the entire file for all known keywords (i.e. int, string, for, etc.), but even in a 'beginner-friendly' language such as the Arduino adaptation of Wiring, that's a lot of possibilities.
Any ideas? I feel that if I could pull this off with finesse and make a good job out of it, it would not only help a lot of people on this forum constantly asking AVR questions, but a lot of others as well.