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Maker Pro

How to dimm up display on microwave Frigidaire ?


welcome to the forums :)

depends on what sort of display it is then there may possibly be something you can do

So... is it a LCD a LED or a Fluorescent display ?. Without that important bit of info then there's not much we could suggest to you :)

How OLD is this vacuum flourescent display? I don't know anybody that makes them
anymore. Since you know what a VFD is, do you have the part number for it?
Maybe you can find a data sheet from whoever made it.
I've never seen one dim through age. Maybe if you or we find the data sheet on it,
we can determine if it's the display driver (which isn't cheap either anymore), or the
voltage to the display.
Heck, maybe the model number of the fridge might help. Maybe a programming
manual can be found on-line.
I've seen FD's go dim with age. Maybe the HV &/or heater supply voltage can be increased to compensate for their wear, but I don't think it's done in software?
Most instruments I've worked-on had a low or high intensity capability.
It would make sense on a fridge, to dim at night or be more bright in daylight.
I was just flipping through a trade magazine, and somebody is selling NEC VFD's,
So somebody out there must still be making them.
I was hoping to get the fridge model number. If somebody can get the owner's manual,
it might tell us if the fridge display has programmable low or high intensity.
Incidentally. On the old Wavetek instruments I used to work-on, there was a small
trimming pot on the display board to adjust intensity.