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Maker Pro

How to connect a dual coil relay

Hi, i am a very beginner in electronics, i am trying to make this circuit below. So when i push the first pushbutton, the motor should turn, and when i push the second push button the motor should turn in reverse.
as i can see from the schematics, they used a single coil DPDT, with 8 poles ( i think ) ... but i have a dual coil DPDT, with 10 poles ( TQ2-2L-5V ).
how can i use my DPDT relay instead of the one shown in the schmatics, i tried really, i cannot figure it out.


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welcome :)

is your dual coil a latching or non latching type ?

what make and model is it ? or better yet give us a link to its datasheet :)



Sadly passed away in 2015
To use Harald's suggestion, you connect the relay contacts in a "reversing switch" configuration (Google it). When the contacts are in one position, the power is applied to the motor one way round, and when they're in the other position, the same power is applied to the motor the other way round.

With that arrangement, the motor will always run in one direction or the other; there is no "off" position. If you need to be able to stop the motor using a pushbutton, you need a second latching relay, and an "OFF" button as well as the two buttons you already have, connected to the OFF coil of that relay, and a couple of diodes from the "FORWARD" and "REVERSE" buttons to drive the ON coil of that relay.

You can also arrange the circuit so that pressing the "FORWARD" button when the motor is already going forwards, or pressing the "REVERSE" button while it's already going backwards, will turn it OFF; you still need the second latching relay though.
Thanks guys .. actually what i am trying to achieve is a automatic blind opener, so i wil add a PICAXE to the circuit. The problem is just in the original circuit i have one coil, but i have a two coil relay.


Sadly passed away in 2015
Can you post the circuit diagram, or a link to the article?

Does the PICAXE need to be able to close the blinds as well as open them?

Have we answered your questions? If not, can you restate your questions?
Okay, here i attached the original schematics, as you see the relay there has only one coil, but the one i have has 2.
i managed to connect the relay+2 pushbuttons + motor ... and getting it work, but as soon as i add the ULN2003 .. it is not working.
The PICAXE should be able to close and open the blinds according to the light niveau. the 2 push buttons are for adjusting how open or how closed the blinds should be. sp when pushing the "motor" swicth, the blinds go one directin, and believe, when pushing both the "motor" and "reverse" button, the blinds move the other way.
so my problem is just how to use my dual coil relay instead of the one used in the schematics.


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