Maker Pro
Maker Pro

How to connect 35-40 white colour LED's to 12V, 7Ah Battery


I am a newbie to this forum. I know to assemble circuits by referring to circuit diagrams. a commerce graduate with very basic theoretical knowledge of electronics . That's me.

I want to light up my house (3 rooms + 2 halls + kitchen + some exterior area) using 35-40 LED's when the power fails. I'll do the switching of the circuit manually (to begin with) but can someone help me with how to wire the LED's. (Parallel or serial, with / without resistors, I don't know what's best) I can certainly assemble / wire them up if someone can show me circuit. :)

I have a 12V 7Ah battery to light up the LED's. Can someone help me ?
Hi Steve

Good one. I liked your analogy of comparing 7Ah to a big fuel tank :)

Now this one is a manually operated circuit, Isn't it ?

To take it a step further - How would i modify the circuit to switch on automatically when the power fails ?


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
A simple way is to have a relay that is energised by the mains. When the mains fails, the relay drops out and the NC contacts make the circuit which turns on the lights.