Maker Pro
Maker Pro

How to build your own high speed parallel I/O board running on PCI bus


JGCasey said:
Hey Roberto!

I went to Dick Smith Electronics and bought myself a single parallel port
PCI card and took the back plane off and used that for my interfect card -
it has all the PCI interfacing stuff u need - its all on the one chip and
its all done on the card.

U can get them for parallel and serial and in single or multiple config - I
used a single and a pic to create the necessary hardware for the home
automation system that I have designed!

Software and hardware kit is ready! ;-)

Cheers, Richard

Can you share the details with us Richard?

[email protected]

John Casey

Roberto Hawkowski


In good old days it was very easy to build interface cards for PCs with the
ISA bus. In these days it seems to be a bit more difficult/complex to make
PCI bus based cards.

Would any one suggest how to build a "simple" high speed parallel I/O board
for the PCI bus ? And how to program (SW tools) this card?

Thank you.

Roberto Hawkowski
[email protected]

Uwe Bonnes

: Hello,

: In good old days it was very easy to build interface cards for PCs with the
: ISA bus. In these days it seems to be a bit more difficult/complex to make
: PCI bus based cards.

: Would any one suggest how to build a "simple" high speed parallel I/O board
: for the PCI bus ? And how to program (SW tools) this card?

If you want to go PCI, an FPGA and a PCI core is the way to
go. E.g. has a free PCI core. However then you have a lot of
custom components:
- A custom PCI card
- A custom bus
- a custom receiver.

However I propose considering USB. E.g. the Cypress FX2 is available even in
small number for the hobbyist and
allows you to use a standard PC connection (even add in USB 2 PCI cards are
cheap), and a standard protocol on the cable. Programming the part is not
easy, but probably doable.


Hey Roberto!

I went to Dick Smith Electronics and bought myself a single parallel port
PCI card and took the back plane off and used that for my interfect card -
it has all the PCI interfacing stuff u need - its all on the one chip and
its all done on the card.

U can get them for parallel and serial and in single or multiple config - I
used a single and a pic to create the necessary hardware for the home
automation system that I have designed!

Software and hardware kit is ready! ;-)

Cheers, Richard

| Hello,
| In good old days it was very easy to build interface cards for PCs with
| ISA bus. In these days it seems to be a bit more difficult/complex to make
| PCI bus based cards.
| Would any one suggest how to build a "simple" high speed parallel I/O
| for the PCI bus ? And how to program (SW tools) this card?
| Thank you.
| Roberto Hawkowski
| [email protected]

John & anyone else listening to the post...

I dont have details because I didnt bother to make it a "production item"
but I do have most of what I did - I can tell u the steps and stuff...


* Get urself a Parallel Port Card from Dickies, or Jaycar or MicroGram...
....BYW, most places are getting rid of them and u can normally get them for
* desolder the header (or PC key end)

....u now have a PC card that plugs into ur motherboard that has all the
hardware (well, for PCI to Parallel) - u also now have a section of the PCI
card where there is nothing - the boad is usually populated right near the
pins on the card!

Make useself a "riser board" and screw that onto the PCI card

* Basic Stamp
* Program for connection to the parallel port

solder onto daughter board and run cables where u like - or like me - solder
another PC backplane on and cut ur own connectors?

Now u have a card that is PCI andcan do whatever u like...

My next idea was to look at writing my own "driver" for the chip on the
parallel port card and make it do anything I like - but I just dont have the
time... ...if u need more info - I can answer specific questions if u

Cheers, Richard

| |
| Can you share the details with us Richard?
| [email protected]
| John Casey

The Real Andy

My I also suggest looking at the PLX9050 (or whatever the newer part is) by
PLX. Add this with the jungo toolkit and you have a nice easy development