Maker Pro
Maker Pro

How to add audio to a picture frame

Hey Everybody,
Let me start off by introducing myself and saying that I am relatively new to this type of stuff, but I am not completely illiterate when it come to some electronics. Here's my idea, my father graduated from UNC Chapel Hill in the early seventies. I have a nice recording of the choir performing the UNC Alma Mater. I wanted to mount the system behind the picture frame and play when a button or switch was activated. The song isn't all that long. I am new to all this type of tech although I had about 4 week period where I worked with Arduino,turning on LEDs and such. I know there are others out there like Rasperry PI and others.I wanted to know if anyone out there had the time or energy to help me out with this, or even if there would be a better way to go about it, It would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time.

This has nothing to do with an assignment or anything along those lines, I simply want to make a Christmas present for the old man. Thanks again


If you want to go down the Arduino route, there are shields like this ( that do what you are after. There are lots of other cheaper modules too, but the Arduino library support may not be as easy to use. The benefits of this would be that you can customise how it works to your liking.

There are other standalond MP3 playback modules that you may be able to use, but I don't know how easy it would be to get the playback type you'd like (i.e. does it need a button pressed, does it play automatically on power on):

This module may do what you are after, but the sound quality may be lacking:
Or, glue :
----> transducer
(look for full audio range types; can also attach to the wall behind the picture frame)
I have a couple, they work with reduced fidelity, better for voice range.

WiFi/bluetooth has options too :
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