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Maker Pro

how power nokia 3310 without battery i.e directly with dc supply.



My problem is how to power nokia 3310 without battery i.e directly with
dc supply of 3.6V or more.
I know battery connection of nokia
A B C D vbat, 74.5k to gnd for li-ion, 25K to 40k thermistor, gnd
I have done this but phone automatically switch off after welcome
screen is complete.

Ian Stirling

nikhilele said:
My problem is how to power nokia 3310 without battery i.e directly with
dc supply of 3.6V or more.
I know battery connection of nokia
A B C D vbat, 74.5k to gnd for li-ion, 25K to 40k thermistor, gnd
I have done this but phone automatically switch off after welcome
screen is complete.

Impedance of supply?
The phone starts to transmit aftert teh splash screen.
If the voltage drops then, it'll cut out.


what should I do now
I am using bench power supply which is using LM317 and can give 1A of

Ian Stirling

nikhilele said:
what should I do now
I am using bench power supply which is using LM317 and can give 1A of

What voltage do you have it set to?
3.6V may be a little low - I'm unsure when it cuts out.
I'd try 4V.
If you have a scope, look at the voltage while starting.
Does it drop?


hey dude its works as u said
I have now connected a 3300uf and now mobile has become switch on and
it works fine.
an I have to increase voltage to 4V also.

do u know upto how much voltage we can give to the mobile what's its
max rating.

Thanks for your help.

Ian Stirling

nikhilele said:
hey dude its works as u said
I have now connected a 3300uf and now mobile has become switch on and
it works fine.
an I have to increase voltage to 4V also.

do u know upto how much voltage we can give to the mobile what's its
max rating.

Thanks for your help.


The battery will run from 3.3 - 4.2V or so.
I would be surprised if it stopped working before 5V or so, but to be
safe, you should not exceed 4.2V.

I have a 'USB charger' for this, which consists only of a 1.8 ohm
resistor wired to a plug.
Works well.

James Morrison

My problem is how to power nokia 3310 without battery i.e directly with
dc supply of 3.6V or more.
I know battery connection of nokia
A B C D vbat, 74.5k to gnd for li-ion, 25K to 40k thermistor, gnd
I have done this but phone automatically switch off after welcome
screen is complete.

This is one of two things:

1) Either the phone thinks the battery is dead as others have
mentioned. You need to get your voltage in the correct range.


2) The phone is expecting a "smart battery" whereby it sends a digital
signal to it and expects back some sort of message. In that case, your
supply will never work because it won't ack the message. I've seen this
happen on some phones. Don't know about this model.



nikhilele said:
hey dude its works as u said
I have now connected a 3300uf and now mobile has become switch on and
it works fine.
an I have to increase voltage to 4V also.

do u know upto how much voltage we can give to the mobile what's its
max rating.

Thanks for your help.

I'd keep the supply at 3.6V.
If my memory is ok, the capacitor you fitted fixed it as the phone pulls
intermittent 2A+ current bursts. If the batt voltage dips by >200mV during a
burst the phone will shutdown.

Look at the supply with a cro (phone on etc). Look at the v-drop pulses,
maybe add more smaller caps in //

John B

nikhilele scrobe on the papyrus:
My problem is how to power nokia 3310 without battery i.e directly
with dc supply of 3.6V or more.
I know battery connection of nokia
A B C D vbat, 74.5k to gnd for li-ion, 25K to 40k thermistor, gnd
I have done this but phone automatically switch off after welcome
screen is complete.

A quick look at the Nokia website might help you. It shows that the
3310 can be used with either the ACP-7 (3.7V) or the ACP-8 (5.3V)
chargers. The Nokia in-car charger is 5.1V. Take your pick.


now when we are using such a big value of capacitor then it can harm
voltage regulator at start up due to surge current required by
capacitor to charge it.

Ian Stirling

nikhilele said:
now when we are using such a big value of capacitor then it can harm
voltage regulator at start up due to surge current required by
capacitor to charge it.

It should not harm a LM317 based supply, it should current limit