Maker Pro
Maker Pro

How many panels ? ( to run 230 volt sprinkler pump 30 minutes a day?)



Has anyone worked it out yet ?

I'm dying to hear the answer ! With or without battery storage and how
the 2 methods compare in cost.

Ron says you should take his word for it.

Ron wrote the single best post in this thread, answering the OP's
question directly and properly mentioned better solutions. If you
could learn to think and write half as well then you might not be the
butt of so many jokes.
George says here is the formula, have fun, take nobodies word for it,
work it out for yourself.

George has said a *lot*, beginning with a display of his confusion
about the difference between watts and amps, and his resultant
ludicrous recommendation of 154 panels. Only after everybody made fun
of him did he eventually settle on 10.3 panels, almost matching Ron's
estimate... many days and dozens of posts later. If George were
selling deeezines, he'd need to post his calculations on Usenet every
time to see if they were correct, or even in the ballpark.
Fortunately, nobody with an Internet connection would be dumb enough
to hire him.

The daily load (122.55Ah) is a given. That is the pump as specified by
the OP.

The other given is the panels 50W (2.94A) also specified by the OP.

Every thing in between is a straight forward calculation.

....only for those who don't have the experience to know about readily
available alternatives. For example, I'll be installing a 10gpm setup
for a friend soon. Array will be ~350W (depends on what modules are
available at best price) See curves for 11SQF-2 here Daily output will
be in the 3000 to 4500 gallon range (some 15 times the OP's volume
needs). So while you're busying yourself hilariously trying to fit
every application into your GIGO spreadsheet no matter how
inappropriately, normal people choose the best and most cost-effective
hardware to suit their application.
The load of 2500W at 12V(Panel voltage) = 208 Amps

Only a true ghinius could start off with such a mind-bogglingly
moronic assumption. The rest of your calculations are equally idiotic.
471.3 panels required.

Oh I see, this exercise was a transparent attempt to excuse your
original 154 panel recommendation. Lame. I hope you wasted lots of
time on it.

Your first and only response to embarrassment is always to try to
distract attention from your mistakes by writing ever more ridiculous
BS. Since your preference is to pretend that you're something you're
not, why not pretend to be a normal person, and simply own up to your

"The first rule of holes: When you're in one, stop digging."

Just the usual GIGO resulting from spreadsheet abuse.

Classic ghinius self-busting expirteeze.
Different number of Ahs.

Ron quoted you correctly - "There is no speculation involved. If you
know the daily load, which we do (122.55Ah), the battery is sized to
meet this load."

So how can there be a "Different number of Ahs"?

Yes, but only for those who are doing the calculations for some
purpose other than trying to cover up blunders.
There is nothing hidden.

True, your lack of experience shines more brightly with every post.

2250 Wh/day and A2 Daily load = 1250Wh

That does not explain your making multiple battery-size
recommendations. Which one do you believe is correct? Or is this like
your "20 liters per week/fortnight" fuel consumption, or your
"150/200A, 150/8.5 Ohm" rheostat, or your "7/15" year-old system,
where readers are supposed to imagine that all versions of your
stories must somehow be correct?
