Maker Pro
Maker Pro

How many 12 volt Batteries would I have to hook up to run a clothes dryer and two sum

I need two run these things in my basement as I am trying to cut back on electricity usage and am just trying oi figure out how many volts I'll need to do this.Sorry I am not an electrical genius.Any help would be appreciated.And what size inverter
You would need many huge batteries and a very big inverter to convert the DC to AC, needed by most appliances. "I am trying to cut back on electricity usage" Where do you plan on getting the energy to charge the batteries? Charge them off the power line? The line/charger/battery/inverter system is less efficient than running straight off of the line.



I agree with Ken,
even if you used SWolar panels to charge the BIG battery bank that can run an inverter powerful enough to operate a clothes drier etc the combined cost of the panels, charging ccts, inverter, batteries, would run the same appliances off the mains AC supply for a VERY long time probably years !! :)

Have to agree with the others.
Not really a option.
What's wrong with the clothes line?

Any high power devices off inverters suck Huge amps from the battery banks.

If you really needed a clothes drier from an isolated power supply i'd be looking and LPG gas solutions.
If you are trying to use your domestic clothes dryer, look at the plate in the back; it will tell you how many kilowatts the power source has to be capable of. It is about watts, not volts. A battery bank would be that many watts capable for the hours of operation, plus conversion losses.
There is little 12V and large 12V batteries.
If your dryer runs on 240V, twenty - 12V batteries can yield 240V, but the motor/timers would have to be modified to run on battery DC, not AC. That battery bank has to be recharged anyway, with the use of more electrical power than the AC would supply for the dryer.
And the batteries + inverter will cost you more than the power for several years running the 'normal' dryer.
You cannot win.

To dry clothes indoors, takes power and time. You can reduce one by increasing the other, but the multiplication will yield the same wattshour.

If you want to MAKE a clothes dryer that will take less power, a large enough 'box' /'closet' with all clothes hanging could work if you use only a fan into it and exhaust the moist air, perhaps running overnight... or longer. Would only use the power needed to run the fan for a certain time and no heat added.
It would be like 'importing' a piece of not-sunny breezy outdoors into the basement.

90% of the planet population does it 'green' outdoors. What is the problem with that ? If you are after the 'comfort' an indoor dyer provides, that will cost you; so give up the comfort if in need to save money. For an apartment I would do the 'air box'
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¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
What I would do is make a greenhouse out of glass and set up a clothes line in there.

You would be capturing solar energy far more effectively an putting it to direct use.

There would be far less electronics involved. And when you're not drying your clothes you can grow orchids. (I presume you're in a cold climate)
These days you can actually buy clothes dryers that don't have the usual power guzzling electric heating element, but instead use a heat pump system with a small compressor just like your refrigerator or air conditioner uses.

They are extremely efficient and use far less power than the old fashioned dryers but unfortunately are relatively expensive to buy.

The German company Miele make very good ones. Here's a link ..............