Maker Pro
Maker Pro

How does an IR pen scanner work? Need to know now, ie before Christmas


I am desperate to buy this interactive globe for my kids for Christmas

I need to know how the infrared pen scanner works. I have contacted the company but the only advice I have received it that the infrared pen reads microscopic symbols on the globe (and then 'says' recorded information about the location on the globe).

Can anyone here please tell me exactly how it would work, ie with technical information? I am very concerned about the health concerns regarding electromagnetic fields (EMF) from wireless technology (don't have a cell phone for that reason) so I don't want to give this to my kids if they will be subjected to EMF whilst using the globe. I am assuming it has some sort of LED diode that emits infrared heat that then reflects of the symbols on the globe (what would such symbols by made of?) and then this reflected heat is picked up by some sort of electronic device in the pen that is connected to a data base of information that it then speaks. Would there be a wireless connection between the reflected back heat from the symbols and the 'computer/data base' in the pen? Would this wireless connection thus be a source of EMF?

Please can any one help and quickly so that I can decide whether or not it is safe to buy today or tomorrow before Christmas on Sunday.



I will not comment your choice to discard cell phone because of EMF.
The infrared pen scanner work with light not visible for the human eyes.
It's work almost as the bar-codes scanner readers in supermarkets, the precision is just improved in order to read the smalls globe signs.
The are no wireless (mean no EMF) between the pen and the globe, the pen is however wireless but the it's the light that ensure the "connection". You can have technical details about scanner's by googling a bit. They are also no EMF used inside the pen, all connections are done with copper, nor between the PEN and the computer, it use a wired USB connection.

I WILL say something about your fear of EMF. You are doing your children more damage by promoting this kind of irrational fear that is contradicted by research than they would ever suffer from EMF.
