Maker Pro
Maker Pro

How do you...


Ante Topic Mimara

Connect a laptop computer to a GPS, and use it for navigation?

What kind of GPS does one need, what computer software does one
install on the laptop, and how do you use the laptop to plot
your location, and where you want to go?

I am very interested in learning how to do this, and in getting
all of the things to be able to do it!

Thank you

Short Wave Sportfishing

Connect a laptop computer to a GPS, and use it for navigation?

Youse needs sums sofetwheres and sums reseavers for GPS signels end
sums cabells to the GPS reseaver thet ken talks 2 'da compooter.

Ok, enough outcome based education.

You need a way to connect the GPS receiver (like a Magelleon 315 for
example) to the computer which is a cable - usually a serial cable and
some software for the computer to convert the NEMA code to displayable
position data.
What kind of GPS does one need, what computer software does one
install on the laptop, and how do you use the laptop to plot
your location, and where you want to go?

It's as varied as the type of software out there, the computers and
the GPS receivers. A Google search for all of these will produce some
amazing results. It's better to do some background research first,
then ask some specific questions relevant to what you discover.
Otherwise, a long treatise on all the availalbe options relevant to
the type of navigation you need would be necessary and that's a waste
of bandwidth.
I am very interested in learning how to do this, and in getting
all of the things to be able to do it!

That's great. Do some homework, then develop a series of questions.
This way you have the background to understand some of the answers.
Here's a good place to start:

Good luck.


S. Woodstock, CT

Dennis Pogson
Connect a laptop computer to a GPS, and use it for navigation?

What kind of GPS does one need, what computer software does one
install on the laptop, and how do you use the laptop to plot
your location, and where you want to go?

I am very interested in learning how to do this, and in getting
all of the things to be able to do it!

Thank you