Maker Pro
Maker Pro

how do I add preset memory and digital control of analogue circuit



G'day all
I've designed and am in the process of making a speaker emulator for Pro
Audio recording application
and would like to add preset memory and midi program change to the unit.
Trouble is I'm not quite sure how to go about it. I'm looking for digital
control of 4 pots and half a dozen switches. If anyone could please point me
in the direction of what hardware I need and how it's set up (books,
articles websites etc.) it would be greatly appreciated. I did electronics
at Box Hill TAFE 25 years ago and I'm just getting back into it for fun
after spending years in audio sales and PC networks. Building stuff is much
more fun.

Phil Allison

I've designed and am in the process of making a speaker emulator for Pro
Audio recording application....

** The term " speaker emulator " is highly ambiguous.

Is it a loudspeaker *load* emulator - ie like a power soak with L and C


Is it a loudspeaker *tone* emulator - ie a band pass filter with eq ??

........ Phil


Phil Allison said:
** The term " speaker emulator " is highly ambiguous.

Is it a loudspeaker *load* emulator - ie like a power soak with L and
C components. no
Is it a loudspeaker *tone* emulator - ie a band pass filter with eq ??

Through a number of different band pass filters I have approximated the
frequency response of different common guitar speaker configurations.
However, whatever the purpose/function, I'd like to be able to
electronically switch
between different remembered switch and pot settings via either recall
buttons or
midi program change commands from an external controller much like most
other pro effects gear.
So, can you help me with info regarding digital control of analogue

Phil Allison

Through a number of different band pass filters I have approximated the
frequency response of different common guitar speaker configurations.
However, whatever the purpose/function, I'd like to be able to
electronically switch
between different remembered switch and pot settings via either recall
buttons or
midi program change commands from an external controller much like most
other pro effects gear.
So, can you help me with info regarding digital control of analogue

** Six or seven others already have on another NG.

All of it is way over your pointed wooden head.

Shame how you are dumb as dog shit, PITA troll.

**** off.

........ Phil


Oh OK, I get it Phallus' son. You're the resident troll.
There's nothing more pathetic than a impotent little troll like yourself
One of the unfortunate hazards of newsgroups.
Go **** your mother weazel brain.
In the bit bucket you go laughing boy.