Maker Pro
Maker Pro

How car voltage stabilizer work?

Hello, i have been see nowadays people used voltage stabilizer to their car, but how it work to give car more torque, fuel saver and easy to start engine also stable the engine idle? It is true or just marketing talk only?
99% marketing and possibly 1% reality...

Don't you think that if installing a few smoothing capacitors did all that was claimed, that the major car manufactures would be all over it? As they have mandated EPA and mileage quotas they need to meet, and this would be a cheap no brainier, no research way of pushing the numbers in their favor... That is if it actually worked as claimed...

BTW car manufactures are well aware of how noisy the cars power supply is, and thus they design the negatively effected components to compensate already...
1% reality? The last 1% is more likely to be bull....dust.

Thus the reason I said "possibly 1% reality..." I too believe that getting even 1% is unlikely but there very well might be some isolated instances where there are some measurable gains with additional smoothing of the power... And I doubt those gains are anywhere near the claims, but they still might be there (even minute) in some instances...
It's better to invest on car grounding kit specially if car was old or ground wiring connection were dirty or with rust. This will surely improve, stabilized car electrical.
I could see it aiding when something with a large drain comes on, like the heater coil, fan, or heated seats. I know in mine if I have the radio up, headlights on, seats on, and turn on the actual heat the engine has to increase RPMs for a little bit to compensate for the increase in load

That could be fixed with a capacitor though, which it sounds like a "voltage stabilizer" is just a glorified term for anyways
It's really quite simple. It removes green from your wallet. This process prevents you from driving x miles. As the car is not being run, the voltage is stable, it is also green as you are going to have to walk x distance as you spent your gas money on the device. It is a win-win situation.