Maker Pro
Maker Pro

How can I write to the group's owner, please?



Hello Members,

I just joined the group, my name is Marco, and I'm a technical
translator. My interest in the group is to learn technical terminology
in your field.

Could someone tell me how to write to this group's owner please?

All the best,

Hello Members,

I just joined the group, my name is Marco, and I'm a technical
translator. My interest in the group is to learn technical terminology
in your field.

Could someone tell me how to write to this group's owner please?

All the best,


Nobody owns usenet. If they did, we wouldn't have spam and offtopic

Sylvia Else

vocabulo said:
Hello Members,

I just joined the group, my name is Marco, and I'm a technical
translator. My interest in the group is to learn technical terminology
in your field.

Could someone tell me how to write to this group's owner please?

You probably think, since you're posting through Google, that this is
some sort of Google group. It isn't. It's a Usenet group that Google
merely provides one means of accessing.

And it has no owner. Total anarchy reigns (OK, that's a contradiction in
terms, but you get my drift).



And it has no owner. Total anarchy reigns (OK, that's a contradiction in
terms, but you get my drift).


Total and anarchy or anarchy and reigns?


Nobody owns usenet. If they did, we wouldn't have spam and offtopic

Ha! We absolutely would have it worse.


God owns this group and we are all dead people passing the time in the

You should try following the TV show "LOST".

Sylvia Else

MakeNoAttemptToAdjustYourSet said:
Total and anarchy or anarchy and reigns?

I see no contradiction between total and anarchy.



D from BC said:
God owns this group and we are all dead people passing the time in the

D from BC
BC, Canada
Posted to usenet

that would explain the smell here.

Bill Palmer


<[email protected]>

Chop-chop, numbskull.

You're the numbskull, idiot.

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You're entire repertoire consists of repeating what you've just been
flamed with. In essence, all you're saying is "I Know You Are But What Am
I". They're called IKYABWAIs in other newsgroups. They are the mark of
someone who is cranially-challenged. Most children grow out of these
before they reach ten years of age. It appears that to some adults it's
their only salvation in a flame war. It's because they lack creativity.
You are such an adult, apparently.
Mainly for announcing your stupidity.

I did no such thing, pinhead.

<[email protected]>

Get busy, you utter fucking imbecile. Or admit you're a thread-dropping
pussy by your lack of answer.

I suspect you'll take door number two. ;)


vocabulo said:
Hello Members,

I just joined the group, my name is Marco, and I'm a technical
translator. My interest in the group is to learn technical terminology
in your field.

Could someone tell me how to write to this group's owner please?

It has no 'owner'. It simply exists by general agreement. Go to
news.groups.questions for more answers.




<[email protected]>

Chop-chop, numbskull.

You're the numbskull, idiot.

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This is total proof of just how retarded you are, Palmer. This 7 year
old mentality horseshit went out even before Rusty and Eddie got busted.
That's how far behind the curve you are, you retarded ****.
You're entire repertoire consists of repeating what you've just been
flamed with.

You're an idiot.
In essence,

Yet another word that you do not even know the meaning of, yet make use
all you're saying is "I Know You Are But What Am

No, dumbfuck, I am not. I do know, however, that you are one retarded
little piece of shit, and that you are a total pussy.

They're called IKYABWAIs in other newsgroups.

No, child. That was ten years ago, unless of course you hang out in
stupid groups, which I have no doubt that you do.

They are the mark of
someone who

Your capacity to assess someone else rests at the same level as your
IQ. Right at zero.
is cranially-challenged. Most children grow out of these
before they reach ten years of age.

I guess you'd better get started then, you retarded ****.
It appears that to some adults it's
their only salvation

It appears that your capacity to discern facts and reality rest at the
same level as your IQ and your capacity to assess others... right at
in a flame war.

Only pussies like you call it such.
It's because they lack creativity.

You're a legend... in your own mind. But in the real world, you are
just a pussified loser.
You are such an adult, apparently.

Again, your ability to make a valid assessment about someone else rests
at or below NIL!

I did no such thing, pinhead.

Yes, you did, you retarded ****. That was your "chop chop" baby
<[email protected]>

Get busy, you utter fucking imbecile. Or admit you're a thread-dropping
pussy by your lack of answer.

You're an idiot. The post has no question in it, you retarded twit.
You have yet to make any post here that has any contributory nature. ****
off, Palmer, then die.
I suspect you'll take door number two. ;)

You make nothing but stupid assumptions. That's all you are about.

Maybe one day, you'll get it right. I doubt it, however, since your
mental age will never exceed twelve years.


Worse. You're replying to DimBulb.

You're wrong as well. The dope that quoted and had my "so and so wrote"
header in there, snipped all of the text I wrote, and he replied to some
other dumb ****. Then there was another reply... then your stupid ass
chimed in... wrong again, as usual. Try actually reading the thread,
dumbfucKtaRWd. Maybe one day, you'll get something right.


StickThatInYourPipeAndSmokeIt said:
Maybe one day, you'll get something right.

That's something YOU need to concern yourself about.
