Maker Pro
Maker Pro

How can I make a robust capacitive wire?


I am a newbie (/noob) in electronics, practicing on occasions. I just had an idea for a beach game and I would like to know if my assumptions about the electronics are right.

I want to make a foam piece with several wires on the surface. The role of the wire iis to trigger a led/sound every time they come in contact with human skin., as opposed to another foam block with the same setup or sand, (or sea?). Feel free to guess what I have in mind ^^.

I assume that with a low voltage on the naked wires I could detect when tension drops/resistance change/ (?).

I intended to give it a try with an arduino and some cheap pieces but I need guidance about where to look/investigate first.

Thank you :)
Welcome to the forum.

The resistance of human skin will be less than that of sea water so will be swamped by water.
Give it a try with a VOM meter without the Arduino complication.

I believe that there are cables which are sensitive to pressure, used on alarms. I have never dealt with these.