Maker Pro
Maker Pro

how can get digital signal from the mobile into a picmicro?

i checked the inside stuffs of a cellphone but i just dont know where to take digital signals from it. its hard to explain but ill try, we need a signal from a mobile going to the LCD of the phone then make it an input signal into our pic micro and vice versa(from the pic to the phone) :confused:
the pic micro im talking here is pic16f84a, we use this pic as the controller of the relays or as a switch on the other hand. All I need to know is how does signals flow in a cellphone and where can I have a copy of those signals? Sorry for my poor explanation. I just dont know what to do. This is for my thesis. :(

here is the inside a cellphone picture
This is for my thesis. :(

May I suggest something you have a little knowledge of, or at least a basic understanding?

What signal are you trying to get out of the phone? And what do you plan to do with it once you get it?

It's an antique, use a newer series they are both cheaper and more powerful...
i am trying to decode the signal going to the LCD and make it as a input for my pic micro..i dont really have much idea how to say it clearly. Let's say for example, you sms a phone connected to a pic micro. that sms has a signal going to the LCD for display thus i want to have a copy of that signal and input it on my pic micro,.and my pic micro will have an output that will switch on a specific device. i hope you understand it a bit, sir. Actually, there are 4 outputs/devices that are controlled by that pic.

for an instant, i sms the phone, connected with pic, "device 1 on". Device 1 will turn on while the other are off. If you get what i mean. "device 2 & 3 on", 2 and 3 will be on while 1 and 4 are off.. or "device # off" otherwise
i am just trying to use an old phone for some financial reasons :D
is arduino cheap?
by the way, im dealing with GSM as well.
You can make it dead simple if you just use DTMF tones and listen to the speaker with the pic...

Press *1 to turn on device one, press #1 to turn off device one, and so on...

Trying to decode the values sent to the LCD screen is going to be an HUGE uphill challenge unless the phone uses a documented display and protocol...
but how am i going to use DTMF tones with the pic?i havent heard of that pic micros uses tones as input signals, or are you talking about of later pic?not pic16f84a?am i right?
by the way sir, im using two phones. One is on my hand and the other one is in the circuit with the pic..
may i know if what is the newer series of pic you mean?

thanks for the help anyways :)

One that suits your design needs, figure out your design plans in completeness and then choose a micro that suits that design... I would expect you to have a better understanding of the subject matter, than you are displaying thus far, unless it's a major language barrier issue... How much experience using micros do you have? How much electronics knowledge do you have in general?

Why did you tentatively choose the pic16f84a to start with?
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One that suits your design needs, figure out your design plans in completeness and then choose a micro that suits that design... I would expect you to have a better understanding of the subject matter, than you are displaying thus far, unless it's a major language barrier issue... How much experience using micros do you have? How much electronics knowledge do you have in general?

Why did you tentatively choose the pic16f84a to start with?

our teacher just taught us about pic16f84a all the time. nothing more :(
i dont have much knowledge how am i going to recall those program functions but i ll try to review the details that i need to learn ;)
Is there something being lost in translation? You state this is for your "thesis" to me that would indicate a high degree of academics on the topic and said thesis would be to show off your worthiness (for lack of a better word) to obtain said degree/diploma... But, your post thus far show only a minimal understanding at best... I'm really at a loss right now, as it appears you know very little and are in well over your head in your proposed project...
sorry, there was a personal issue between that teacher and our class,.but never mind that sir.
im still confused if DTMF will work successfully with pic especially we're using two phones as communicators. "phone to pic" <-- are they going to be compatible for this situation?
Yeah, the PIC is quite capable of listening for DTMF signals from most anything... Did you read any of the websites I linked you to on this subject?