Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Hoover Steam Vac repair

I borrowed my mom's Hoover steam vac. She was having trouble with it. I
noticed I used it an my floors were so wet they began to smell. For
every three or so loads of fresh water/detergent there is only a 1/4
full wast water container.

I assume this thing is not vacuuming up the water once it is on the
floor. I partially took it apart. Can really find anythign wrong. Is
there a belt in there for the vacuum? The brushes rotate ok.

Can anyone direct me to some troubleshooting advice?

Ken Weitzel

I borrowed my mom's Hoover steam vac. She was having trouble with it. I
noticed I used it an my floors were so wet they began to smell. For
every three or so loads of fresh water/detergent there is only a 1/4
full wast water container.

I assume this thing is not vacuuming up the water once it is on the
floor. I partially took it apart. Can really find anythign wrong. Is
there a belt in there for the vacuum? The brushes rotate ok.

Can anyone direct me to some troubleshooting advice?


First and foremost, I'd urge you to borrow or rent another immediately,
vaccuum that excess moisture out before our house becomes a health
hazard! Then do it again. And again.

As for your Mother's, it should be removing virtually all of the
moisture that you put into it on an (almost) one for one basis.

Surely you can run it dry and try to feel the vaccuum? Either there's
a broken or slipping belt, or blades are broken on the pump, or
perhaps even more likely the hose(s) are plugged up? Shouldn't be
hard to find and repair.

Meanwhile, once more at risk of lecturing you, get the moisture
away at once. Mould is terrible terrible stuff.

Take care.


JR North

There is probably an air leak in the waste system. Look for missing
o-rings or broken valves on the waste tank and ports where it seats.
Also, be sure the tank is seated properly. My SteamVac V2 works flawlessly.