Maker Pro
Maker Pro

homemade chronograph for archery

For less than a hundred bucks, and the time involved, why don't you take a
look at the 'Chrony' line. They're made in Canada, but readily available in the States.
I use mine for bullets, but they make a line for pellets and paintballs, they've
probably got something for arrow. And mine works great.
Might be able to use an Arduino and various other parts, but that would be tough, and probably not very accurate without spending a ton of money
Just curious, what is the function of "chronograph for archery?"


Measures the speed of the arrows by passing through (or past) 2 sensors at a set distance apart

sometimes used for testing bow strength/continuity, or resistance of arrows in the air as far as I understand
thanks guys. i could buy one but would prefer to build one as a project with my son lol.

In that case I would try using an Arduino with some form of light sensor that starts counting milliseconds between 2, then using a simple formula you can calculate speed in ft/sec and mph

To be honest Im not sure if the arduino will be fast/accurate enough at the speed of an arrow, so I would say try it out with something like hotwheels on a track or something, to see if it will even work with something small like that (easier to set up and adjust that way too)